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Messages - Dizmaul

General Discussion / Re: ZOMG!!!!
March 23, 2010, 05:08:45 PM
same lets see or maybe a patch?!?
Trash Can / Re: Re: SC2 Beta - Invite a Friend
March 18, 2010, 04:58:08 PM
lol lets see how huge this thread of peoples emails gets
Trash Can / Re: Re: SC2 Beta - Invite a Friend
March 18, 2010, 11:37:40 AM
did they implement someway to stop every1 who just got a beta key for there "Friend" from just selling it on ebay????? i really cant stand when people do that shit and they could of just made it a lot worse
Quote from: pixartist on March 04, 2010, 11:34:48 AM
:( I just played a match TvP and it was not hard at all despite the fact that I'm a total rts noob... I just raped his eco with reavers and then massed some ravens and killed him with raventurrets. He didn't push, he didn't harass, he didn't scout.. nothing Oo
His army was okay (zeals, a lot of stalkers, some immortals and some of those shield thingies) but he couldnt defend against my nitro reavers :/

so many people say reavers i wonder why?? lol id understand if it was the same race maybe...REAPERS!!!
General Discussion / Re: Starcraft marching....
March 04, 2010, 06:23:43 PM
it would be good for new players i guess but you don't need it at all
General Discussion / Re: Starcraft marching....
March 04, 2010, 06:18:30 PM
i put different  groups in different hot-keys so no its not a problem really.

example: tell zelots to move out first then tell stalkers to follow the zelots
just played a game was pretty good comp sat back a little make a very nice sized army and we clashed... what was really sweet was right after he came back at me with more which was deff lacking in v5.5
Quote from: wc3ard on March 03, 2010, 09:43:08 PM
Can someone tell me the exact location where i should put the file?

1 more thing... I have installed ALOT of mods... should i delete them, before i install this new mod?

wondering same thing.
General Discussion / Re: Terran smokers -- WHY?
March 02, 2010, 11:07:10 PM
smoking makes you look older duh...
Quote from: greymanic on March 02, 2010, 01:53:54 PM
Quote from: Dizmaul on March 02, 2010, 01:14:13 PM
Im sorry but any1 who is dissapointed by this game could not of been a fan of sc1. I don't care what you say if you loved sc1 you have to love sc2 its just amazing. Ive never heard of people complain about why they didn't make more changes to the greatest RTS ever made. You make it sound like sc1 was some game you played once when you where little and this 1 looks to much like it. Do you not realize sc1 is still being played today (obviously your not one of the people who play), and going from sc1 to sc2 its like night and day. Also for all the bitching i hear about the campaign and how "OMG 3 games to buy how could they hustle us?!?". I played the terran single player at blizzcon. This is not I REPEAT NOT JUST DOING MISSIONS like in sc1. Its a full on redic game in itself and if you dont enjoy the first one DON'T BUY THE SECOND 2.

Bottom line SC2 is amazing in every single aspect thus far. DON'T LISTEN TO THE TROLLS THEY JUST HATE LIFE...

Ok. Being wrong about me not being a sc1 fan is more tolerable considering how wrong you are about the new game.  You do realize you're describing the e-sport koreans... nothing against them it's just many of us don't fall into that catagory.  Thanks for confirming my suspicions that this game is mainly about satisfying e-sport types.  So you're either one of them or think that a great sequel is just about the graphics.  If I'm wrong pray tell me, what makes the difference like night and day?

Suspicions that this game is mainly about satisfying e-sport types?! of course it is and why would it be any other way. Who cares if you like the game, you will stop playing anyways 6 months after release when something "new" comes out, or maybe even sooner when you keep loosing to scrubs on ladder. Im happy they satisfy the people who are dedicated hardcore fans of the e-sport. Which is what has kept the starcraft community alive after you decided in 2001 you where done with the game. If you don't like a serious game like starcraft go play something else.
Im sorry but any1 who is dissapointed by this game could not of been a fan of sc1. I don't care what you say if you loved sc1 you have to love sc2 its just amazing. Ive never heard of people complain about why they didn't make more changes to the greatest RTS ever made. You make it sound like sc1 was some game you played once when you where little and this 1 looks to much like it. Do you not realize sc1 is still being played today (obviously your not one of the people who play), and going from sc1 to sc2 its like night and day. Also for all the bitching i hear about the campaign and how "OMG 3 games to buy how could they hustle us?!?". I played the terran single player at blizzcon. This is not I REPEAT NOT JUST DOING MISSIONS like in sc1. Its a full on redic game in itself and if you dont enjoy the first one DON'T BUY THE SECOND 2.

Bottom line SC2 is amazing in every single aspect thus far. DON'T LISTEN TO THE TROLLS THEY JUST HATE LIFE...