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Messages - Nesreca

Quote from: bustya on March 04, 2010, 10:34:06 AM
Are there any scripts where the AI does upgrade?

Otherwise, they are just cannon fodder. I can line up 8 seige tanks and let the AI take every single resource on the map, and just blast them away. TvZ.

Considering that SC2 beta was cracked a week ago, and the devs of AI have been working their asses off to make AI's to entertain / challenge the community - the AI that is out is as good as it gets at the moment. Hold onto your panties and wait for a new AI to be released, or get coding! :P

P.S. Siege tanks are crazy good against Zerg AI that can't micro and don't run into the tank's minimum range.
AH, I understand now. Thank you very much! I'll test it and update after I have.
AI Help Section / How to launch "TriggerLibs" AIs?
March 04, 2010, 12:11:07 PM
Hello everyone,

I was wondering if someone could tell me how to launch AIs that are installed into the directory   .../Starcraft II Beta/TriggerLibs/         

I know I have the files for Goosie's AI and the Protoss v0.6 in the right folder, but there are no instructions related to launching these TriggerLib directory based AIs. I know how to use LazyLauncher2, and replace the Base.SC2Data files to modify the difficulty of AI, but this TriggerLib folder stuff is confusing me. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to leave the rest of my files the way they are and just launch maps with LazyLauncher2, or if I'm supposed to do something else. Maybe i'm supposed to replace the currently modified Base.SC2Data file with an original version? :P

Thanks in advance! I hope I make sense.
Quote from: sLayed on March 04, 2010, 04:34:24 AM
Why don't you just release the AI and update it after? I'm sure 90% of the people here would rather have this artificial goodness ASAP over the finished version at the high quality you're seeking. Just call it like 5.9 and when it's where you expected it to be, release it as 6.0. I know this makes the jumps smaller and less awe-inspiring but I don't think that's what you guys are going for :P .

It's fine with whatever you AI dev's decide, thanks for the great and speedy work.  I guess if I've been waiting 5 years for SC2, I can stand to wait another few days for an improved AI for it :) .

Heh, as with every game-related update/patch/change, people can't seem to wait. Trust me, it is much better to wait for it to be completed and ready than it is to push the dev to release a buggy update. Turd did mention that he basically scrapped all of blizzard's code, right? It's a lot of hard work writing code, checking it for possible typos, testing it, changing the code again, checking it again, testing, changing, checking, testing, ect... We are getting this for free - and with out these guys cracking it, we'd still be browsing youtube and watching other people's replays. :P

(Thank you again for all your hard work Turd!)
Quote from: Enox on March 04, 2010, 01:31:01 AM
Wow. Just read the update about 6.0

Honestly, I'm really awful at this game and I kind of didn't remember. The old Easy AI that everyone has in their Launchers, is of course, too fraking easy. Even the medium is easy. for some reason 5.5 (no cheating) is just really hard to me. I can't imagine 6.0 being harder. The AI just constantly throws units while simultaneously building and expanding, and I cant keep up lol. I really suck at Starcraft haha.

Keep challenging yourself and you'll get better before you know it! If you're having a really hard time, try a lower version to get your morale up. The key to any RTS game is multi-tasking and understanding your tech / units. Starting making groups (by highlighting and pressing SHIFT+#) and practice multi-tasking. You can bind a building to it's own group if you want too (I do that for my Hatchery because I play Zerg).

PM me if you want some pointers - I may not be an awesomeleetnessauce player, but I'm willing to help you out. :)

Edit: Oh yea, and if you're having a hard time it might be because you can't choose your race for your games, so you may be busy trying to learn all of the races. Just press F10, and "Restart" untill you get the race you want to learn first.
Thank you for your hard work, Turd. I am really looking forward to this challenge! Keep it up! Words can't fully express my appreciation!

Edit: So excited I almost forgot how to type!
Galaxy Maps / Re: Galaxy Map Editor- Who's Excited!!
March 03, 2010, 05:44:38 PM
Wow. Looks like I'm going to have to find more "spare" time!
AI Scripts / Re: Hacked AI Maps
March 03, 2010, 03:43:43 PM
Thank you very much! The variety should keep me plenty busy. Keep up the good work!
Quote from: 2g4u on March 03, 2010, 12:17:50 PM
Btw, is it only me that can't wait to test my noob skills vs real person :D ?

You're not the only one. Keep working on your 1337 skills though, there are some pretty crazy good players out there that will totally kick asses. ;)
Thank you for this wonderful AI! I started playing the cracked SC2 about 3 days ago, and am happy that I have been able to challenge myself with your AI's! I haven't lost to AI 5.5 in 1v1 yet, but it is totally helping me prepare for SC2 launch. With out you, I'd be a major n00b. ;)

I look forward to future challenges! I'll work on my technique for future AIs! Keep up the good work!