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Topics - DjDuskx

General Discussion / Darkshark ily.
April 29, 2010, 07:35:16 AM
Darkshark, i fucken love you.
Thanks for key. See you online ^^
Hey guys,

i was wondering, has anyone with a quad core computer got a beta key?
I have a high end system, gtx 260, intel quad core etc, and i was wondering if Blizz aren't giving keys to people with quad cores since sc2 might be optimised for dual cores.
General Discussion / Are Nukes OP?
April 08, 2010, 02:14:36 AM
I've got a friend who reckons that nukes are op.
Who here thinks that they are?
For one, i don't since that you can only build one per Ghost Academy and per Ghost.
So then you use a lot of minerals building more then one.  :-[