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Messages - lifeofthestreet

bump. plz, i wanna play :(
need patch 7 enGB-locale plz :(
thx that worked fine  :thumbsup:  finally i can play ^^
Hi, i finally got myself a beta key, but again i have the issue that i cannot download any patches with blizz updater because i have no access to the router im connected to. So i need some kind of european patch files (deDE, enGB would be best, but im fine with spanish or something too), the enUS files dont work (but worked fine with US client ofc).
So does anyone play a europe version and could upload his patch files  (the update folder)? that would be really nice  :)

Quote from: mysticalmage13 on March 13, 2010, 10:11:16 AM
That's peculiar, mine works fine. I have the same settings as T1nd3r. I think i forgot to put my original Base.SC2Data before patching still it works fine for me. Best course of action would be to reinstall it.

If you use that settings, you dont even need to touch and replace some base.sc2data anywhere, since you can choose any AI file with the 0.21 beta launcher.
After installing the whole client you just need to make subfolders in the AI folder for every base.sc2date you plan to use some time. You even can change the folder where the beta launcher searches for AI files, so if you use the 0.21 beta launcher, my advice for everyone would be to never touch a base.sc2data again, if you download a new one just make a new folder for it.
It doesnt work if you put all the files at once in the update folder. When i did it, it stopped at 75% and i got same error message as always.
You have to patch it step by step, so only unzip the 02-03 patch in that folder. After that patch is applied, you quit the client and unzip 03-04 and so on.
Actually it worked perfectly fine, thanks a lot for the upload! I have no idea why it worked though. I would give you some of that Karma stuff but unfortunately i dont know how to do it.
Hi people out here,

I got all the great stuff you made running without problems, but i cannot patch the game through the blizzard downloader. I dont know why, maybe it has something to do with router settings (im on a public router so i have no permission to configure it).

Maybe there is some nice person out here who is willing to upload the first and the latest patch file? They are located in Starcraft 2\updates
The first patches' file name is   sc2-

I already got the second and third patch from some nice person in this forum, but really need the first one to apply them all, the latest one is not that much important.

Would be really nice if someone could help me out  :-*