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Messages - Amberdilis

YES! again, please read the original post. Both of you MUST save the 2 or 3 replays and send it to me :)

also, first map must be on Lost Temple
Yay, I'm not crazy xD

Seriously though, I don't know why but it's just gets really intimidating sometimes yeah?

I got my ass handed to me the moment I entered platinum. I got soooooooooooooooooo much more nervous after that xD
Yes, random people but against people I know, I don't. I just get that with RTS's :(
Yay, I'm not crazy... But I don't feel any adrenaline when I'm about to fight someone :(
Hey guys, I recently realized how NERVOUS I get between matches it's like that ONOEZ wtf wtf.... feeling. but I end up having fun when I'm actually playing the game. Just wanted to know if anyone else got this feeling or I'm just crazy xD

If anyone else did then, anything you guys did to get over it?
Miguel, like I said, timezones don't matter because the matches will be up to you and your oppnent who is, pansit btw. Please, don't post anything off topic sort of next time :)
yes, it is a Bo3 :) read the original post please  :'(
General Discussion / Re: Just got another 2 keys!
May 29, 2010, 08:47:47 PM
Oh wow, I just realized I replied in the wrong thread ;_; Thats what you get I guess when you've got a bajillion tabs open xD
Lucky bastard!!! I always have the "pleasure" of hitting a couple of all in 8pool rushers during my placement matches </3
General Discussion / Re: Practice Partners
May 29, 2010, 08:09:59 AM

I play on my asian account mostly though, but I log in to this one from time to time to play with some people here :)
General Discussion / Re: Just got another 2 keys!
May 29, 2010, 07:38:21 AM
Quote from: Deaner6666 on May 28, 2010, 11:49:40 PM
Hi there. I've been -trying- to get an SC2 beta key the day since the beta opt-in started. I have yet to get one. Forum after forum, contest after contest, endless hours of spare time wasted trying to get a key; to no avail.

I am quite desperate, especially with the impending date of Phase 1 beta ending on June 7th (only a few days from now.) I really don't want to spend my summer simply working and studying my ass off, while sitting back and watching old replays from Starcraft II, replays not even of my own, while waiting for a game which I won't even recieve until August rolls around.

Please. I really would like a Starcraft II beta key. Please PM me, or if my e-mail dosen't show up for a reason you can reply here; i'll be checking a few times a day.



YEAHHHHHHHHHHH I had the biggest feeling a few days ago that Blizzard would extend the beta simply because they HAD to for all their fans  :P :P  then last night, I remembered how hard fisted they are over disallowing the public the pleasure of their games so I was like... damnit, it's not gonna get extended... THEN WE GET THIS YEAHHHHHHH :D Dustin Browder gets my babies  no homo tho xD


okay, so anyway, my fair share of updating, I already sent a PM, I'm just awating confirmation

GUYS, I just had a brain fart, it'd be easier to conduct these if you could all just reply with the time where you're from at the moment you reply and the time that it is on at the very top right under home and forum

so for example,

It's currently 8:31PM on my clock but darkblizz says the time is 7:30AM :)  so we can all use darkblizz as the standard time. this is just a suggestion though, because in the end, it's all up to you guys to decide what time you play your matches.

Oh and...

Dude, I sent you a PM, the way I see it, it's currently 2:30PM where you're at so are you free now? Because if you are, we could do our 3 games (or 2 if you totally own  :'( :'( ) in the next few hours! :)
Actaully, I meant just send him a PM on DarkBlizz. Just click on his name and click Send PM

@jyim, errr sorry man, I kinda messed up xD I don't think we should do it over livestream anymore because of timezone-ish difficulties. And, leave the fraps to me ;)
Actually, I was like what eskimo said there as I recently discovered that for myself. A lot of times, people tend to just wait to get till they're like 100 supply before they move out but just because you don't have that 100 supply army yet, doesn't mean you should sniff around with it because chances are, your opponent is probably doing the same thing or teching up. If he's doing the same thing then I suggest you expand but if he's teching up then you should definitely push as even if you only have a handful of marines, they're still scary when your opponent only has buildings xD

In the end though, it's really all about game sense, knowing when to push out or stay on defensive ;) And scouting helps too! Also, since you're terran, it's worth noting that building a barracks to fly over your opponents base is way cheaper than using a scan since a mule is worth 300 minerals while a barracks is only 150 besides, terran buildings fly faster in sc2 so.. yeah :D
bump, please post something here  stating that you pmed your opponent and that you're on for a gme or something just so I know everything is going smoothly :)

@x1zk0 that's nice man keep at it. I know I should reply at the other DBinvitational post but im kinda lazy atm.. 1AM MAN XD NIGHT everyone. I'm hoping I get at least 2 matches done by tomorrow :)

OH and update, Miguelgalit and pansit are in. I contacted them through facebook since Miguel was the 9th person to join  so I needed one more person to join and pansit said he'd do it so technically, we're all round of 10 right now :)