hey, can u help me out

Started by Reich, July 06, 2010, 04:28:34 AM

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It quite differs from the gmy's rv namebot and im havin some problems:

All i want, is to use one xpac/classic cdkey set, and one account to catch the names.
My list currently contains 2457 words and im not sure if it's not too big.
And.. can you tell me please what's this screened error means :)


"Spawn 2457" - You should have received a message saying you can't launch 2547 because you only have 2 battle.net accounts loaded.  then you probably hit ok, and then canceled and exited bot, and next time you reloaded the 2457 saved, and then you attempted to connect.

Well to fix this do the following:
Open the bot up
Go To Settings
Input whichever server
at Launch input 1
Select the BNCS name on the right side
Go down and click browse
Pick the text file which has those 2457 words
Click set
Click Apply

You should it say Loaded 2457 Character Names (Since you have two bots but didnt select a account list for the 2nd one, no big deal, since you're only spawning one).
Now select whatever class/type
Then click start - You should be good to go then.

Make sure to read the ReadMe.txt and the visual ReadMe.