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Messages - SanctifiedDevil

Just played my first game of v5.5

1/1/1/1 - T/T/P/Z

Zerg cleared the terran and toss. The terran ran and slowly built its forces back up, I had one siege tank keeping the terran from building much and later I pulled it away for reinforcements..I looked back over and they had a huge base pumping out vikings. The zerg contently splashed on my walls I sent 6 Thors in at zerg as in the other AIs this was usually enough, however, they didn't even make it to any of the zerg bases. After that I seen the zerg had pretty much taken the whole map over except what the terrans were holding on to. They sent one last rush in and forced their way in and destroyed my main base. They came straight after my expansion that I had a planetary fortress exp. on. I put all my scvs on the fortress repairing and held off a wave or two..before I could get much built up they took it also.

-1000x better. A lot more of a challenge.
-consistently attacked with nice size waves.
-They never gave up and continued to expand over the whole map.
-It seemed to me they noticed their waves weren't big enough. So they kept making them bigger and bigger till they got through.

-They still retreat and do the whole pacing thing (I know you guys can't figure that one out)
-Still don't upgrade anything
-Still don't respond to nukes (Hit em 3 times with one.)
AI Scripts / Re: A.I. V5.0
March 01, 2010, 02:32:51 PM
A few things the AI could use:
-Upgrades (They don't seem to ever upgrade anything, making it not a challenge towards end game)
-They need to keep pushing through (A few times I would of been killed by an armada of battle cruisers but they kept bouncing back and forth.)

If you add those two things I think the AI would be pretty good.

My last game was 1/1/1/1 and all I know is that the terran eliminated everyone else and came after me. Would of lost if they just kept pushing through. I had one carrier left when they retreated and they had nearly 10 battle cruisers. Not upgraded of course. I finally amassed an army and chased them back to their base. They kept running and building expansions all over the map at the end. It was hard to finally end the game because of this, it was for sure a challenge.

Overall, its fun as hell.
AI Scripts / Re: A.I. V5.0
March 01, 2010, 12:45:11 AM
terran vs terran on lost temple. AI is much better but seemed like it is lacking more troops. They built 3 expansions, but only had a small army to send in the beginning. They still only sent very small squads of maybe 4 to 5 troops till they were defeated.

Still great and always better than nothing.

Last game of v4.0 is on the 4.0 board.
AI Discussion / Re: DISCUSS AI v 4.0
February 28, 2010, 11:43:25 PM
Just register to say 4.0 is a huge improvement. Just played 1 game and I didn't stand a chance for some reason. I've never seen so many ultralisks coming at me...Also Terran had a huge army come at me twice. Afterward I sent in a observer (I was playing toss) and they were amassing another huge army. 

Playing Metro map 2 zergs and 1 terran. One of the zergs got cleared out half way in. I wasn't far behind.

Seeing as how 5.0 is already out. I do suppose this is a waste. Eh...