WTS Starcraft Beta account

Started by andieZX, April 09, 2010, 03:51:36 PM

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Hi. I'm selling a beta-ready battlenet account, brand new so you can make your profile. It contains starcraft 2 beta and no other   active games. Within payment you will receive all the information you need   incl: 
- battle.net account name 
- battle.net account password 
- battle.net account secret question and answer 
- gmail account name 
- gmail account password 
- gmail account secret question and answer 
I accept only paypal payment. The price is $70. The first one that pays gets the account, there are no   biddings or reserving it for later.The only way to contact me is by email: andyzhu1@live.com. Send a mail stating that you are willing to trade   and I will give you the paypal account where you can transfer the money.   Account will be made yours within hours. Play starcraft 2 beta today! 
Here is a screenshot of the account I am giving away:


Hey man, I have a beta key too but me and my friend want to play together. Do you mind letting me borrow your key for a little bit so we can play together? We just want to play custom games so your rank won't be changed... Thank you!

This is proof that I have SC2 Beta key.