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Messages - noMICRO

General Discussion / Re: Counter Attack?
March 26, 2010, 02:04:59 AM
Quote from: ProzaicMuze on March 25, 2010, 01:27:43 PM
Pretty much spot on here, but I'd add one thing to PvZ:

Since patch 6 went live, stalkers are definitely a hard counter to mutas. Stalkers + a couple sentries take down mutas really fast. Phoenix is way better against a muta harass, but the stalkers are probably a safer investment if you expect the zerg to tech mostly ground.
Universal terran build: 4 or 5 rax, spam marines and marauders, tech stim ASAP, build medivacs after your economy can handle it. Go banshees if your opponent has no AA or is lacking defense at his mineral line (or reavers; banshees seem to be more effective tho). Hellions are OK, but m&m's own zealots until the toss techs for legs, but that makes hellions lousy too. A ball of marines and marauders with stim vs. any number of zealots = lots of dead zealots.

With good macro and decent micro, m&m can win against pretty much any build. Unless you're so passive that your opponent can mass colossus or ultralisks.
General Discussion / Re: Patch 6 is live!
March 26, 2010, 01:47:18 AM
Quote from: berrykerry789 on March 25, 2010, 08:07:56 PM
NUUUUUUU!!!! protoss got weaker...
Not at all.. quite a bit stronger, actually. I'm actually in the beta (gold league, not plat yet :( ), and this is a pretty solid early-mid game buff for toss. So much easier to play against terrans now that you don't have to worry about a cheese marine rush. Stalkers are actually useful now.. not quite dragoons, but an OK placeholder. Mass stalkers is viable early-mid now.. I've been winning in under 15 minutes consistently since this patch went live by spamming stalkers. DT's aren't all that good against competent players in sc2, since everyone puts up a ton of detection. Haven't noticed a difference in the armor change on HT's... they died fast under fire before, and die fast now.

Oh, and roaches aren't quite as gay now. The thing they added to view profiles after games doesn't work, either. 'View Profile' is there when you right click, but is grayed out. Colossus aren't quite as good against hydras now, but they're still solid.