Anyone willing to share a key?

Started by iTipTop, April 11, 2010, 06:30:35 AM

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I'm from Australia so I doubt I'd be on the same time any of you guys would be, and if I am you could give me another time to play. I am only really looking for one session of a couple hours, just to see what it is actually like to verse a real person. (AI gets so stale) Now I could type in a million different ways on how I won't steal your account but that means nothing. I am willing to pay a reasonable price for the rental, and if possible I'll find something as collateral.

If you do believe I am out to steal your account or whatever, than know that there is the secret questions if I do turn out to be a dirty thief. There really is nothing to worry about, I'm not trying to do anything bad I just really wanna try it out. PM me or email me on

Cheers  :cheers: