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Messages - kblood

Quote from: lurenjia on March 08, 2010, 05:16:25 PM
Quote from: mariomaniac33 on March 08, 2010, 05:01:26 PM
Yep, I can confirm that v0.41 has teams working properly now! Many thanks!

However, there is a bug that should be pointed out. When playing with 6 player Metapolis, the launcher does not set up the teams and races properly. For example, you want player 6 to be terran and on your team with player 4 as Zerg and on the enemy's team, however, Zerg will be on your team and Terran will be the enemy.
This bug makes setting up 3v3 rather difficult since it sometimes becomes a 2v4.
The reason is the 6 player Metapolis map is not an official map by Blizzard. It is a modified map file, so the tool would have problem dealing with it.
I suspect it might be due to the map for some reason calls player 5 and 6, computer 5 and 6. Either that or maybe Blizzard's SC2 Beta does not really support more than 4 player maps in its coding yet.
Quote from: Esper on March 07, 2010, 08:53:01 PM
Quote from: Blackcode on March 07, 2010, 02:04:35 PM
Put your founds non this tread about team setting so i can upload later on wiki......

My way to implement team setting is ugly and not good. it patched/replaced the native code of galaxy function "PlayerGetAlliance", making it works as "PlayerSetAlliance", and patched the MapScript.galaxy for setting it.
I failed in finding way by modifying "MapInfo".
I have no time to work on this launcher, i will upload the source today later :)
Thanks :) But would it not be possible to just change some other script file with this then? Like MapScript.Galaxy?
I was hoping for a way to use this launcher to create a few maps that would have team setting without using your launcher, so that people could test team AI and such without the maps changing.
Other than that, great work :) I have been looking for functions like this, and in 0.41 of the launcher it really seems to work very well.
AI Scripts / Re: For those criticizing a.i.
March 09, 2010, 05:01:36 AM
Its a matter of getting used to it. I usually prefer not playing at the faster setting, but after knowing what build order you will use before starting the game and having tried it before, it becomes easier to do it at the highest speed.
After having played at the highest speed 5-6 times, normal feels slow. I like to play this game in LAN with a friend, and my timing usually gets messed up after being used to faster and switching to normal because that is his preferred speed. Makes me focus on how long everything takes to do and makes me sloppy because of feeling like having all the time in the world  ::)
So I stopped playing at the highest speed. Because I would not want to make that mistake when this game is ready for LAN play :D In whatever way that gets possible.
SC2 Tools / Re: StarCraft II Launcher
March 08, 2010, 09:07:01 PM
Nice launcher. I really like its mod selector and how it makes 3 simple folders. Seems other launchers have had success with using the Starcraft 2 default map folder:
"C:\Users\*username*\Documents\StarCraft II Beta\Maps" (In Windows 7 that is).
To store maps, and they just need to have the same maps in the cache folder and replays should work, as long as the mod being used is in the triggerlibs folder in Starcraft 2. Or in the replay launcher.
If you will be adding team functionality, then go for 0.41 of the starlauncher SC2 loader, because it got the AI to actually fight as teams and win the battle when destroying the opposing teams. The 0.3 one had team support but it was rather useless.
Quote from: usmc23 on March 08, 2010, 07:44:39 PM
Rev 34 with team selection.
Its replay part works great. I guess there is some logic to running maps from the maps folder meant for it, and having those same maps somewhere in the cache. Made replay of the game work even with a team match. It still seems to work with the first non working teams version. The 0.41 launcher somehow got teams to not attack each other.
I guess handicaps is one of the few settings left before AI map play functionality will be complete. The color picker in this version also seems to have worked great. I hope the UI will be improved at some point though. Grey and white? Auch. Try with Battle Net colors maybe. Blue and black. But being just plain colors with no effects, maybe it would be possible to just add some Starcraft 2 picture as background for the launcher?
Just an idea. The layout of this launcher seems one of its last flaws. Or was this the launcher that got theme support at some point? If then I guess I am making something out of nothing.
Map Preview is also nice. I hope Blizzard makes it possible to save replays with a name after a game is over. I guess I am hoping they already did make that possible, I just have not looking into what is going on, on the actual Battle Net 2.
Ehm, I just tried this launcher again with the team option. I still cannot watch the replay of a team match, but it works? Does Starcrack 6.1.1 support teams, or was this team functionality part of the update?
Was truly amazing to see a team of Zerg and Terrans roll over two Protoss. Next time I will try with another AI for protoss  :P
AI Development / Re: Map Disassembling
March 08, 2010, 12:03:03 PM
Quote from: Kernel64 on March 07, 2010, 06:13:14 AM
Oh, thank god. Kblood, that would help much. Where will you be posting them, so I can spam f5 on that thread?

I was busy testing some of all the other stuff that was being released for this game :)

But I uploaded Starlauncher to my server:

It has changing position (and color at the same time), how many AI players, and teams although that is rather useless without an AI to handle teamplay. You just need to install the AI you use directly, and remember to use some maps that you have backups off, then it should work.
Ehm, APM is at most supposed to be 100 in heated times of battle. Higher than that, and you are clicking more times than needed most likely. This is what the AIs does, because that is an attempt to make up for not being able to think that much ahead in an RTS game.
Quote from: Bt on March 07, 2010, 06:43:17 PM
So only way to use different AI besides Blizzard EXTREMELY EASY STUPID AI is to modify the maps?

Doesn't seem like the perfect launcher to me.

I'd rather have a directory which I can drop the new AI into, or an option to select a different AI.

Seems a bit drawn out and unnecessary.

Only redeemable feature of this Launcher is the file size and ram footprint.
The easy way with the most features? Well, I am greedy and want them all, I use most loaders, each for a different thing :)
But I make a mapfolder, specifically for Starlauncher, in my cache. I call this folder sYk0 since it is his maps I am putting in it. Then I add the only AI I am playing since it truly rocks. Starcrack V6, to my Starcraft 2 game folder. I do this because some maps do not want this AI put directly into them.
After doing it this way, it will be important to name replays after what AI it was played with, to keep them replayable. This is my prefered way to play the game.
When not playing SC2, I watch replays. For that I either use LazyLaunch2 or the SC2ALLin1 launcher. The SC2ALLin1 is annoying to use for anything else though. I really do not like its map management. Seems to be floating around, and not making stuff replayable. All the features it has seems somewhat useless to me, since I would rather have the regular launch options like show FPS. Instead it has unused thingamabobs. The replay player is nice though and works well. I dont like having to browse for my replays folder, and this mod does that very well. The other features are nice to look at, but can wait for a time where there are more maps to choose from.
I do not like the S2Launcher_Unsupported_v25 because it messes with my patches. Maps I got backups off, the patches makes me having to reinstall SC2 Beta again to be able to watch replays. It does look promising though. I like the Starcrack AI v6 much better though.
SC2Launcher2.0.2 got a nice MOD feature. I like how it can use only the parts of an AI that has actually been changed. Makes it more obvious how much has been done to the script, and takes less space.
But I do not change scripts often after 6.0, and I would rather be certain that I have replays to watch after playing a map. The most certain way would be a map folder in the cache that I run directly from there with lazylaunch2. Other launchers or extensions usually have a hard time locating hidden files, which makes this almost impossible.
Pros with StarLauncher v0.3. No fancy features shown which are not even in the launcher anyway, no trying to control what AI I should use to play with.
It enables you to play in teams (although it probably cannot be done and having a viewable replay), also the current AIs does not yet support teams. But the feature is there, and since we are lacking scripts for it, we cannot really say how bugged it is, or if it even is bugged.
You can choose your race, you can choose the race of other players, and you can set them to being computer or disabled. The other options are useless as far as I know.  3 out of 5 is still nice though, and the 2 others might prove useful for something.
You can watch replays of games played with this launcher as long as the game was played from a map in the cache folder.
You can choose color by changing your player controlled player. This might work with less problems than other launchers that got that function recently.

Cons: Replays might go out of sync. If it happens it is usually within the first 2 min of the replay. Might only happen for team games. It does edit the map it plays, so best have maps only used for this launcher, and everything seems to be a ok.

EDIT other launchers have been updated. Guess I will have to take a look at them tomorrow again :)
Quote from: SCFan68 on March 07, 2010, 06:49:44 PM
The problem is that it modifies the source map permanently, which should be a no-no.

Other launchers load the source map file in, make the changes, but save it out to the drive as some temporary map file to be launched.

This one changes the map file in your directory and doesn't revert the changes. So if you started with unspoiled maps, with no changes, they will not stay that way.  It just seems like a bad way to deal with things.  It should be able to create a playable game, on a map, without changing your source map files permanently. The others do it by use of a temporary map file, created on the fly per usage.
And because the dates on the map change, you say the maps are changed? The same happens if I copy the maps. The fact is the only change it really does, is edit the mapinfo file in the map. Which is of no consequence to anything else. I tested it, and it is not. I am just amazed this guy pulled that off. Instead of opening the file, it must be doing hex editing on the fly I am guessing, and it works great so far.
You claim it is a no no to change these maps, however the maps we are playing with comes from cache files, or am I wrong? Which means these map files are actually just generated by the Battle Net 2 server at some point. They were meant to be edited several times.
I would usually agree, do not change the files. This one does it so well though, that it affects nothing else. The only thing it might affect, and only just might, is running the map directly with LazyLaunch2 which might end up playing the map with the last chosen settings this launcher started the game with.
Now do you have a valid argument why editing the map on the fly is a bad thing, if no errors have yet to come from it? So far it seems the an error would only occur if the computer crashes the exact moment you are running the map.
Well, I will test if it edits the map with something that has an impact on something, anything even. Except just changing the date. I suspect it does permanently change the mapinfo file. Personally that is cool with me as long as it does so without causing errors.
Quote from: Ryusai on March 07, 2010, 06:27:04 PM
Quote from: Katie Drake on March 07, 2010, 05:11:20 PM
Oh look, I'm stuck again. Who would've guessed?  :P

Alright, I've looked into the Cache folder and I'm not seeing any maps in there. So I took the thing linked in the first post in this thread and extracted the maps into a a folder I created called Maps in the Starcraft II Beta folder. I then tried to run the S2Launcher_Unsupported deal, but it didn't detect any maps at all. Clearly I've done something wrong (again). Any generous souls out there willing to lend a gal a hand?


Where did you put the maps? I had that issue a second ago and figured that i misplaced some of my files.

C:\Documents and Settings\user name\My Documents\StarCraft II Beta\Maps

is where i put my maps to fix it. It was in

C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\StarCraft II Beta\Maps\Cache

when it wasnt detecting any maps.
I still do not understand this launcher, I did get it working with the starlauncher. I hope you get hold of that guy. It seems he put all the working code into his launcher. I think that is why he did not enable color selection. Now we just need team AI.
Also I do not like having several different AI, although I guess it has its uses.
I followed this guide:
And then I made my own guide:
Well and added it to their guide. I guess most people will prefer your method if they can get it working, since it is a simpler way of making all maps have AI, and since I have met a wall failing to add AI to some maps.
With this launcher, the StarLauncher v0.3, I can open replays directly from a folder in the cache folder. I choose the download folder, since it seems appropriate. What is even nicer about it, you can share replays.
The way you are doing with that other launcher, I never got it to work. This way however, makes you only need one of each map, and I would prefer these maps to have the AI installed directly in them. The actual AI script is no more than 300kb, so one map pack per AI script is not that bad. Considering we can all share each others replays. And launch maps choosing team, races, being observer, and all that each game. Which I guess might already be working for others, but that other loader is really confusing to me, I hate how it uses my registry to change settings. Also whenever it launches, it fails to use my graphical settings etc. in game. Which is maxxed out  8)

Here is a tutorial on how to run official replays. In the other link there is a short explanation on how to make it possible for us to share replays. One way at least.
Quote from: Bt on March 07, 2010, 06:06:03 PM
I wasn't talking about replays

Please read the entire thread
I did, and I just read it again because of you asking me to. What bug are you talking about? I have had no errors, and you are the only one making me thing there are any.
The launcher works. It can work with replays with the method I mentioned. It changes the maps, because that is how it makes all its functions possible, and it does so flawlessly as far as I can tell from my testing so far. Been testing this for 2-3 hours.
My replays are just me proving my point that it IS working, and very well. The maps that some say are changed, are not changed in any negative way, they are just edited by the launcher, in a very brilliant way from what I can tell, since it does not seem to dmg the map, or change the map so it wont be usable by previous replays.
Replays are very picky about maps being edited, and the fact it still accepts the maps after having been through this launcher proves to me that it works.
Now I will have to test it with maps that might cause problems... :) You will have to specify what problems you are actually referring to for me to figure out what you are claiming to be dramatically bugged about this launcher.
This Starlauncher is simply perfect :) It makes all other launchers... almost...  :) obsolete.
I now use Lazylaunch2 just to watch replays. Then I use this launcher to load maps I have placed in:
C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Blizzard Entertainment\\Cache\Download
(Windows 7 64 bit path)
And replays of the game will be put in the following folder after the game is over:
C:\Users\*username*\Documents\StarCraft II Beta\Replays\Recent
(Again Windows 7 64 bit path)
I have edited some of the maps already on this site in several places, and added the Starcrack v6.0 AI into them. Some maps I could not do it to without getting errors, but these few worked:
And I have made some replays with these maps, playing them from the cache/download folder with this launcher:
Try adding my maps (Okay, I just added the AI), to the cache/download folder on your computer, and run these replays how you usually run replays. Since the AI is part of the map, all you need is the original SC installation without mods. If Starcrack AI v6 is installed it will probably work anyway, since the installed AI most likely will have no effect on the replay, unless you have the AI in a Starcraft2beta/TriggerLibs folder. That would probably be bad for the replay.
Well, I need some sleep. I have been running all kinds of tests on this Beta most of this weekend. I hope this will be useful for all the people doing so much great work to make this beta so enjoyable :) The SC v6 AI sure is awesome. I have lost to it more times than I would like to admit...  :(
Quote from: Bt on March 07, 2010, 04:44:17 PM
Just awful until they fix where it messes up your maps.

Worst launcher out until this is fixed.
Ehhh, and you got your sources from where exactly? I was a bit uneasy when I found out what it actually did. So far it seems to do it very well though, maybe because only a few maps lets you modify maps so directly. At least I have had problems adding the SC v6 AI to most maps. The result when it worked though? :D
See for yourself:
Download the two Starlauncher replays. They have been made with starlauncher.
Get these maps:
Or at least get:
Both replays are made in this one map, even though it was changed twice by the launcher.
If you copy this map into your:
Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Blizzard Entertainment\\Cache\Download
folder. It should be possible to make this work with any folder, but since this is the one I used while making this replay, others watching my replay will have to do this as well.
Also you need to be viewing these replays on a fully updated version of SC2 Beta, with no AIs installed, because the AI is in the map file itself.
Conclusion? Replays does not care if the mapinfo file has been changed in the map. The replays apparently have their own mapinfo data. Which makes this launcher perfect for what I have been looking for. Now all it needs is some AI that utilizes the synergy of team work instead. So far this AI just hugs its neighbor.
I did a team AI test but did the mistake of trying out the referee player type, which I do not know what is. A gamemaster? Another kind of observer? A helper? No matter what that type is, it is a type that makes the replay fail it seems. At least if you play as an observer and choose the referee's perspective. That is my guess anyway. You can try my team AI test bugged replay to see what happened.
So what is the problem with this map? It bugs when you try it on lost temple? I will need to test some more. I suspect there is in fact a problem with some of the maps, because they make errors when I try adding files to them, while other maps are just fine about it. And all the maps we use come from the same Cache afaik, so its probably just variations of the same bugged map. At least that is my theory.
And now its time for me to praise the OP :)   :o Well done Chinese guy. I am even suspecting that all bugs encountered with this 0.3 launcher is actually bugs in the beta game and the beta maps we are using, and the incomplete AI that goes with it. But I could be wrong. At least with the maps that does not bug for me, it seems to work just fine.