problems with blizzard downloader - need patch files

Started by lifeofthestreet, March 12, 2010, 06:55:51 PM

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Hi people out here,

I got all the great stuff you made running without problems, but i cannot patch the game through the blizzard downloader. I dont know why, maybe it has something to do with router settings (im on a public router so i have no permission to configure it).

Maybe there is some nice person out here who is willing to upload the first and the latest patch file? They are located in Starcraft 2\updates
The first patches' file name is   sc2-

I already got the second and third patch from some nice person in this forum, but really need the first one to apply them all, the latest one is not that much important.

Would be really nice if someone could help me out  :-*


Non US copies people can't download the patch past patch 4 for some reason :(


I'm uploading all files on mediafire. Include 1-5 US patches (to v14356).
I don't know how you'll use them if launcher can't communicate with blizz servers. If I'm blocking it with a firewall, it will not install anything. Instead, if connection is right and you have those files in game folder, will be only a file check and will be installed.


Please tell me if you'll succeed somehow.


Actually it worked perfectly fine, thanks a lot for the upload! I have no idea why it worked though. I would give you some of that Karma stuff but unfortunately i dont know how to do it.


Thanks Apriores,

For some reason even with FW disable it doesnt update.

These files will be invaluable.

Thanks again, very much.



It doesnt work if you put all the files at once in the update folder. When i did it, it stopped at 75% and i got same error message as always.
You have to patch it step by step, so only unzip the 02-03 patch in that folder. After that patch is applied, you quit the client and unzip 03-04 and so on.


Glad you found a solution for your problem.
I made a test on a fresh install, I allowed all connectivity and it has installed all *\Update\ files in one shot, that if you don't have any connection problems.

When you'll run Starcraft II.exe, instead of entering game, should launch this update window. If to you is not launching it nohow, means something (maybe router firewall) is blocking your game. If it's running but not downloading any update, that could mean Blizzard Downloader.exe is blocked or only some ip/ports.


Here is a link to all of the patches (updated when new patches are released):

P.S. Throw this link in your bookmarks. It'll probably come in handy later on.


Its wierd...
I dont have an update folder.

When i install a fresh version of the game it says what the latest patch is but never updates.

I will try to create the update folder manually and see how i go.