Protoss Life

Started by zeratus, March 19, 2010, 03:23:42 PM

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Well, again protoss is the only race which cant be healed(from any protoss unit i mean).Now they remove battery on this version. Ghost's EMP make us cry like a little girl. This is like instant nuke.High templar is total useless vs this invisible shit ghost unit.I hear that even EMP reveal invisible units.Phoenix is most useless unit at the moment
- no dmg, no life,his ability is so useless on 99% of the time.Colossus can be hit from air and ground - what is this joke.Protoss vs terran will be zealot+ stalker+sentry and thats all.And once again i find idiots who post on forums- "Fix protoss pls,they are too stromg".So annoying.


Cause you know, you're completely unbiased, right?

Why shouldn't Colossus be hit by air? If its a hundred feet high, as low as say, a Banshee would fly, whats the difference? And if you go zealot stalker sentry vs terran only, then you really don't deserve to whine
better wear your shades, the spotlights here can burn holes through the stage


Thor is almost a same high ...Spire on zerg too. so protoss play vs terran will be make 6 Gataway - warp and send them to die.So nice gameplay. Pls tell for what are phoenixes are ?I didnt see a single replay on the whole internet for sm1 to use this unit on a mass. +5 vs light air units. Most dumb bonus dmg in whole game.Only 2 units have this armor on the air.


Phoenix's are useless, you say?

Say early-ish game I walk into a Zerg base with 6 Phoenix's - What does he have to defend (AA Wise)?

3 hydralisks?

Toss them into the air, and pwn them.

A queen?

Toss it into the air, and pwn it.


Just pwn it!

GG :)

Also works vs another protoss player - Just take all his Stalkers, then pwn his probes :p

Get a void ray, and the game is over.


Quote from: zeratus on March 19, 2010, 03:23:42 PM
Well, again protoss is the only race which cant be healed(from any protoss unit i mean).Now they remove battery on this version. Ghost's EMP make us cry like a little girl. This is like instant nuke.High templar is total useless vs this invisible shit ghost unit.I hear that even EMP reveal invisible units.Phoenix is most useless unit at the moment
- no dmg, no life,his ability is so useless on 99% of the time.Colossus can be hit from air and ground - what is this joke.Protoss vs terran will be zealot+ stalker+sentry and thats all.And once again i find idiots who post on forums- "Fix protoss pls,they are too stromg".So annoying.

Well, Battery had to be removed. You can make an early push so much easier in SC2 as a Protoss player the Battery would throw the game off balance easily. Just think about it: several warp-gates, pylon outside enemy base, an army
you can warp in quite fast...put a few Batteries in and you're plain invincible.


colossus is almost as air unit, because of it's ability to walk over cliffs, so why shouldn't it be able to be attacked as air unit? Immortals melt any armored unit and colossus demolish any clumped infantry group in the matter of seconds.


Its kinda funny looking over all the posts in here; as it is obvious either A. None of you even have a key to play online, and B. You are horribad at Starcraft.

Phoenix would NEVER be out in-mass before Zerg has some form of AA; unless they are complete trash, or you proxy your stargate; in which you'd just get rushed out anyways, due to lack of base defense. Its strongest application is probably in the P mirror, PVP.

Protoss is a perfectly FINE race, minus a MINUTE lacking in Anti-air; when air units are IN MASS. ANY timing push can gap this imbalance, and ruin the game for someone attempting to rush Tier 2 air tech.

At best, a few Zerg units and mechanics, as well as a fast Ghost need to be nerfed; AND THEY WILL BE (As hinted by CowGoMoo and other Blizz devs in games/replays). On the zerg-side being Roach's 2 armor/HP, Mutalisk cost, Speedlings ability to 'push' pas walled Zealots (Yes, they can push through a FULL wall), Broodlords ability to make themselves untouchable to ground units, and yes, Ultralisk splash. These are all things a ton of players are aware of, and things that will LIKELY be seeing a tweak.


OP forgot to mention a few things:

Zealots are much stronger to begin with than the other starter units, Psi Storm is still awesome, and to be honest, a few void rays can wreck any strong unit.

The game isn't out yet because they've been spending the last who knows how long balancing it.


Main issue with ghosts is that they look too similar to the marine, which makes it really hard to snipe them in a crowd. They need a halo effect or something like the templar.

Aside from that, stalkers need a buff. The other units are pretty awesome at what they do.

The pheonix rush is however, not a good strategy. you're much better rushing void rays if it's PvP or PvZ. Sometimes you can win one of those games outright by doing that.


Terran remains invincible to void ray and/or phoenix rushes :)

But I really hope they kept the "overload" ability on phoenix. that'd make it a helluva useful.
Platinum League, where you gets pwned


Warp Gates make it all worth it ;).


Quote from: zeratus on March 19, 2010, 03:57:59 PM
Thor is almost a same high ...Spire on zerg too. so protoss play vs terran will be make 6 Gataway - warp and send them to die.So nice gameplay. Pls tell for what are phoenixes are ?I didnt see a single replay on the whole internet for sm1 to use this unit on a mass. +5 vs light air units. Most dumb bonus dmg in whole game.Only 2 units have this armor on the air.

this makes me lol so hard all u do is QQ u obviously have no skill, most likely to be copper league player.
see this video if u want to see nice phoenix play HDH Invitational - NonY vs Moonglade - PvZ - RO 16 - Game 1 - Part 1 of 2 part 2 HDH Invitational - NonY vs Moonglade - PvZ - RO 16 - Game 1 - Part 2 of 2


They only had good micro, but very slow build.. i have my immortals and stalkers attacking enemy base at 6 min :)

Pheonix are ONLY good if you have more of them then the enemy have air and Only if enemy does not have marines or hydras.


Defeating toss with zerg is impossible. I'm in Gold atm, and if I run into a decent toss player I stand no chance. Zerg has no anti air, needs 200/200 for spire, weak units, no useful casters. Toss has a great caster right in Tier 1 who can help destroy a swarm of units by just blocking the way, high HP units etc. I can't see how zeratus could cry lol.


Quote from: zeratus on March 19, 2010, 03:57:59 PM
Thor is almost a same high ...Spire on zerg too. so protoss play vs terran will be make 6 Gataway - warp and send them to die.So nice gameplay. Pls tell for what are phoenixes are ?I didnt see a single replay on the whole internet for sm1 to use this unit on a mass. +5 vs light air units. Most dumb bonus dmg in whole game.Only 2 units have this armor on the air.

man shutup protoss is dominating usa server, and it's because no uses magic, totally bunch of crap noobs in platinum.  Collosus can walk over walls and also cant shot air, even if thor was shot by airplanes, who cares he destroys air with his splash missles.