Starcraft 2 loading problem

Started by Tails616, March 06, 2010, 01:56:30 AM

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I searched the entire forum twice and found nothing to help me so I decided to make my own post.

So, with the game, the first time I loaded it I automatically won. (Meaning I had the wrong AI set) So I tried again. It did not load this time. Directly afterward, my screen goes black, except for the taskbar, and freezes. SC2 does not load. It does this to me a lot. I have played the game today, as zerg. Yesterday I played about 12 times. But that was off of one load on the same map, over and over. All I did yesterday was load it up (first try it worked) and played. After I won/lost I hit restart. I have tried different launchers and also just the Lazylauncher2. I couldn't play today after that Zerg match. Would it have anything to do with me updating? I launched the starcraft2.exe (BLIZZ Ver.) and updated. But that was only because I thought I had to since it wasnt loading. Any help would be nice.

PS: Just to clarify, I HAVE played this on THIS comp before. Many, many times. It just didn't want to work today.

Thanks in advance,


Try applying the original files Then implenting all the cracked files again, If that doesent work reinstall, If still not able too Then Post your error log.


I couldn't find any uploads of the original files, so I'm reinstalling and going through the process again.


That didn't work. Would it have anything to do with updates? My updater keeps reinstalling the same patch over and over. It's the one with the Korean F10 fix.

Do you want me to take a screenshot of my problem?



I tried to get one but all I got was a black box. I can describe it to the dot though. Just imagine a black screen with the taskbar and a mouse that moves.