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Messages - Amberdilis

You've got a "" tab and a "DarkBlizz - home" tab open the moment you turn on your computer and keep refreshing the DarkBlizz tab hoping for another give away xD

post yours here

General Discussion / Re: Beta Friend Invite
May 06, 2010, 09:07:45 AM
Cmon cyricc! we all know korean starcraft is epic xD
General Discussion / Re: WTF?
May 06, 2010, 07:59:25 AM
Wait, seriously? Scryed as in, Scryed the ANIME?

I didn't think anyone else knew of that show xD hi five!!


yeah, I know, off topic but I was just hella surprised :D
General Discussion / Re: Beta Friend Invite
May 06, 2010, 07:42:33 AM
Well, I've got this really close korean friend so I, knowing how koreans are about starcraft, gave it to him. I was all... Hey, Min Soo. I HAVE STARCRAFT 2 OFFLINE! At that point I was expecting him to go OMGWTFBBQ but he actually didn't care much  :-[  He just said... "what,it's not out yet". So I told him "yeah, but some guys cracked it and etc...." (insert lazy launch explanation) then he just said "meh, I just wanna get the full version" so I go

yeah, stereotyping there but he's cool with it since he messes with my race too xD
Then he just goes "I want the full version. I bet it's buggy and all and etc..."
so I explain to him how it's alright and how it's practically finished, that they're just trying to get user feedback to really balance out the units. At that point, IDK whether he was just annoyed at my persistence  :P  or that I'd finally convinced him but he ended up copying it to his USB which was about HALF this size

(I want you guys to understand the scale of the moment in the following chapter so keep in mind just how big his usb actually is)

He then goes to the other koreans ( he lives with a bunch of them for English classes. His mom teaches over the summer english IRRC) and he holds up the usb and goes "this has starcraft 2" in korean

and as if the whole world had just exploded, they all just all open their mouths and stare at the usb HAHAHAHHAHAHA
Like, him surrounded in a semi-circle of other koreans ages 5 to 17 (FEMALE AND MALE) just staring at the usb like it's the holy grail whilsts frozen to the ground with their mouths all open  lmao lmao lmao

think of it like this
======== :o
======= :o
===== :o
==== :o                  :anono:
===== :o
======= :o
======== :o
thats him flicking the usb around xD

I ROFLMAO'D SO HARD, it reminded me of the scene in southpark where randy goes "THE SWORD OF A THOUSAND TRUTHS"
Aww, damn, I was too late xD I just read the first post and was all REPLY REPLY XD

I just played a game and I realized how much time it took to have to press w then click on the ground then select all units to go to reinforce my army so, I got this idea to bring a warp prism or whatever it's called, around with my army! So whenever my warpgate timers are up, I just make the warp prism go to pylon mode and bam, reinforcements are there  ;D ;D

unless of course you could actually rally them to a certain location after they warp in? please tell me this is wrong?
General Discussion / Lend a beta key?
April 09, 2010, 08:57:40 PM
:D Okay, just saw ScotMSU's post and like, what the hell man, I might as well give it a try right, I've got nothing to lose. I swear on my dead dog's smudge in the road about 10 meters from my house (I'm not sure if it's still there really xD) that

I will not steal your b-net account should you decide to lend it to me :D
I will only get on the times that you specify to me are allowed
I will only play custom games so as to not change your rank
I will abide by every rule you put down unless you tell me otherwise K?

oh and my timezone is GMT+8 hours but even if I have to sleep like an hour late for even just 1 game, I will do it so.. yeah, there you have it : O:) O:)
I don't play terran that much but I don't like the marauder nerf either. Unit's pretty gay now
General Discussion / Re: Sentry kiting
April 03, 2010, 08:34:56 PM
Actually, that video is exactly what I did. I compared the damage done by kiting and not kiting and it seemed like kiting definitely did more. Will double check
General Discussion / Sentry kiting
April 03, 2010, 05:54:08 AM
Hey guys, I noticed that Sentries have really low cooldown on their attack but a really high post-animation or whatever you call it. As in, the moment they start beaming, they already deal damage but they continue to beam for nothing for about a second afterwards which can be negated by kiting. Attack, move, attack, move...

Just thought I'd share for all the protoss users out there  ;D
Wait, wha..  ???  I read that "this is just an april fools post" post, hours after i uploaded my pic, all excited to actually have a chance at a key and meh I'm still hoping that post was the actual april fools and not the contest. Joke's on me I guess, Happy April fools everyone  :-[