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Topics - neon

 After fighting off any units they send at the start usually (zerglings, zealots, marines) the AI tech's up and leaves their base highly undefended where the force that was able to beat their initial wave can just walk in and win. It seems like there's a unit cap at the start and then it starts to tech because it does not start building units until they die because by the time i get to their base they usually have 3 units (from their 3 gateway/3rax build). It is especially easy when playing against zerg. this is all on the cheating version. If i don't do that it is actually quite a fun game. In 5.5 this wasn't the case as the AI would retreat with units before they were all lost although it was a sketchy back and forth thing that it did. but it wouldn't for base annihilation after their initial wave.
TY for reading. keep up the good work giving people like me the opportunity to try out sc2 before it's out.