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Topics - Myst

OwlBot / Preview
January 21, 2010, 02:30:46 AM
Got the idea from another bot developer who goes by the alias of Mystical (
Basically it will collect users to whisper spam a message too by /whoing multiple channels and obtaining the users and adding them to the list to be spammed.  When used at a slow rate, its pretty decent to advertise your clan or a website and when used at a faster rate, it can get pretty annoying. 

Main GUI
Another Screenshot
Another with some additional stuff
Download Here / OLD - Relax
January 21, 2010, 02:10:04 AM
Don't get to excited, I'm just setting up the section  :P    Top men are still working on it.

Screenshots and all the jazz coming soon.
Tarsonis / About
January 21, 2010, 01:54:03 AM
Tarsonis is a hosting bot, which allows you to host Starcraft games remotely and clientlessly. For about 4 years now (You can see the research in our research section) I've been on and off again researching SC UDP, which is the recipe for Tarsonis.  A lot of the research has been put into some of the other bots already on this site. 
So little by little, when my motivation gets at a high level, progress is made, and Tarsonis sees a little more light at the end of the tunnel. 

I'll post up some screenshots later and keep everyone posted about this project. 
Site News / Asgard3
January 18, 2010, 01:35:05 PM
Check out DarkBlizz's newest edition to our bot lineup, Asgard3 created by Mike.   It is a easy to use bot with many features, with plugin support.  Visit its section in our forums or Click Here
Site News / Private Messages
January 18, 2010, 01:44:08 AM
Please do not private message me or any other darkblizz members when it concerns questions about the programs.  Thats why you can post on the specific forums about those issues.  Thanks.
Site News / Rogue of Diablo Updates
January 08, 2010, 10:58:22 PM
I fixed some bugs and added support for these new D2 Keys. You can download the new version from the Download section. Stay tune for the totally new rebuilt Rogue of Diablo v2!
Quote from: ChangeLog
-Fixed bug where it would IPBan you for using Expansion.
-Added support for new 26digit D2DV Keys. (Not new D2XP Keys)

-Added a BNLS Timeout function, now switches servers if a BNLS server being used isn't responding within 15secs.
Site News / Interior Decorating
January 06, 2010, 01:06:52 AM
During the next few days I'm going to be moving things around in the forum, adding some stuff, deleting some stuff, etc.
Any suggestions or comments just let me know.
General / Computer Crashed
December 29, 2009, 12:23:05 AM
Well, some new computer bug got the best of me, and I had to reformat.  Luckily I was able to save all my important files and bot sources as well.  However it'll be some time before I get unlazy enough to reinstall all my programming software so there might be more delay in any new programs or updates to old ones. 

I think its time to get a new desktop computer anyways.  Any suggestions ;)
Site News / Happy Holidays
December 20, 2009, 09:56:36 PM

and a
Site News / Rogue of Diablo namebot issue
December 14, 2009, 11:09:25 PM
Our namebot still works fine, however I've noticed a issue that is pissing me off that I need to fix, which at random times it will IPBan you for using a invalid key, even when supplying correct ones.  I just need to add some code to check the outgoing cdkey packet for malformations, which would do the trick and see what's causing this problem. 
However the bot still works and  this issue is currently random and has affected only some users, including me, which is why is pissing me off  :-\
Just thought I'd let yall know.  Pretty busy this week, probably get around to addressing this by like Christmas maybe.
Site News / Dark Requiem Bug
November 28, 2009, 08:22:24 PM
Found a bug in our IRC/ Bot which would cause the 2nd BNET side bot to not connect due to some forgotten reconnection code I forgot to add when dealing with accounts already EMail registered :P  Bug is fixed.  You can re-download the bot from the Downloads section for the fix or Click Here ;)
General Discussion / Battle Report 4 Official!
November 20, 2009, 01:02:43 AM
Battle Report 4 Official!
22 October 2009, 1:06 am

After a leak, and then a few days of tense waiting, Blizzard has released Battle Report 4. Now it\'s official and everyone can watch in HD, so enjoy!As far as our own commentary on the match it\'s still my opinion that David Kim is holding back in these battles. There\'s no way he\'s that bad at handling Hellions. Also, the Reaper looks as if it was either used incorrectly or is out of place past tier 1. Furthermore, the Planetary Fortress needs a new subtitle: One-Building Army. I won\'t spoil it for you!You can download (or watch) the match here or if you\'re having difficulty we\'ve thrown up a mirror download. Map: Lost TempleCommentators: Dustin Browder, Robert SimpsonWelcome to the latest installment of Blizzard Entertainment\'s official shoutcast for StarCraft II, currently in the alpha phase of development. This match features David Kim, one of the StarCraft II team\'s associate game balance designers, and Blizzard\'s Yeon-Ho Lee.Source: StarCraft2.comDiscuss this Article in the Forums!

Source: StarCraft 2 Forums News

General Discussion / Q&A Batch 54 Released!
November 20, 2009, 01:02:43 AM
Q&A Batch 54 Released!
18 October 2009, 7:35 am

Great news! A new Q&A Batch! Now all our questions and anticipations of StarCraft 2 will be fulfilled... or not. Anyway, here\'s some tidbits. Enjoy!---StarCraft II Q&A Batch 54 --- [SC2 Forum] 1. Does the Zergling vs. Zealot ratio remain at 4:1 or has it changed in the latest builds? One zealot can usually take out two, and sometimes three zerglings. However, the ratio is mainly based on positioning and micro-controlling. As the number of zealots grows, it will take more zerglings to win the fight since the zealots can clump up and reduce the attacking surface area. Smart use of terrain, such as a choke or backing up against a wall, will also help a protoss player reduce this attack area. Zerglings have to secure a good surround around the zealots to keep the ratio close.  [SC Legacy] 2. In World of Warcraft pvp they found an issue over time that it was "very unsatisfying" to the player when they lost control of their character as it limited their ability to do their job or role. There is a noticeable increase in stuns and immobilization in Starcraft 2, which was barely present in Starcraft 1. From your experience in testing, do you feel abilities, which limit unit control, provide more dynamic game play so far or are you noticing more concern? First of all, there were actually some abilities in the original StarCraft that could cause players to lose control of units. These abilities include the ghost's lockdown, the corsair's disruption web, and the dark archon's mind control. It may be premature to suggest at this point that there's a "noticeable increase" in stuns and immobilization in StarCraft II. To address the comparison anyway, in World of Warcraft, you control a single character, unlike RTS games where you manage multiple units and bases. The difference in the World of Warcraft is when you lose control of your character you simply have to wait it out, assuming you don't have any control breaks. However in StarCraft, when units in your army are being controlled, you can still issue orders to the rest of your army, manage your base, build new units, etc. There are a lot of options and we happy with the diversity it brings to gameplay at this point. Source: Discuss this Article in the Forums!

Source: StarCraft 2 Forums News

General Discussion / Q&A Batch 53 Released!
November 20, 2009, 01:02:43 AM
Q&A Batch 53 Released!
30 September 2009, 10:11 pm

  The first information release in a couple of weeks, Karune has shared Q&A Batch 53 with Blizzard has also recently released a YouTube channel featuring cinematics and trailers from all their games, be sure to check that out. This Q&A features mostly peripheral questions and things we already knew (aka useless questions--good thing they didn\'t put a name on them), but perhaps you can glean a few tidbits where we could not. Enjoy!    Hope everyone has enjoyed all the BlizzCon news and got a chance at our Twitter beta key giveaway! Everything has settled here in the office after various shows and events we\'ve been at, but we are back in the swing of things. If you haven\'t been following us on Twitter, don\'t forget to do so too, as we will consistently be adding more spotlights, development info, and fun contests on there as we approach beta and throughout the development of StarCraft II.   Check us out here:   2. Have you considered allowing a post-game lobby for users to discuss the last game, collectively watch replays, or immediately enter into a rematch? Yes, we have a plan for a post game lobby. However the details are not finalized yet.    3. Is there any update on additional map features other than the Xel'Naga watch towers, destructible rocks and tall grass? No. Currently there is no update on additional map features.    Source:    Discuss this Article in the Forums!

Source: StarCraft 2 Forums News

Revised: Build a StarCraft 2 PC for $600
1 September 2009, 1:58 am

We\'ve revisited and updated PC Tutorial: Building a Computer for StarCraft 2! In the last year performance has been boosted on many components and the overall prices have dropped by up to 30%. So it\'s time for a new installment! Make sure to give the full forum post a read and feel free to ask questions!  Also, once you\'ve purchased your PC components, check out our Build Your StarCarft 2 PC tutorial.  Live in Canada? Use this list!   So I know lots of you want better performance for when StarCraft 2 is released. You want the perfect computer to play your favorite game when it\'s released. I receive a lot of PMs about this topic asking me to help people pick out their computer or where to find deals. So I decided that in this tutorial I will show you where and how to buy a PC that will play StarCraft 2 on the highest settings without lag. Well, here we go!  The first thing to establish here is that Laptops are much more expensive than PCs for gaming purposes. Video cards are just not designed to work in an enclosed space that you encounter in laptops.   If you\'re a laptop user, I feel you, but this tutorial won\'t do much for you because getting a laptop that will run SC2 is going to break the bank.  Let\'s get started building our computer:  When you do buy your computer (if you buy it through, please click the following link!)    What do I need? These are all the components you will need to make a pretty darn good desktop machine. They\'ll get you rolling! Agreed, these aren\'t top of the line pieces of equipment, but they will get you the most bang for your buck. Stay with these brands and these specifications and you can\'t go wrong! Do not settle for less than these recommended specs!  Discuss this Article in the Forums!

Source: StarCraft 2 Forums News

Joneagle_X 2009 BlizzCon StarCraft 2 Gameplay Review
25 August 2009, 12:00 pm

So this BlizzCon 2009 marks 52 hours of play time for me on StarCraft 2. That's hardly two weeks worth of time if you had it in front of you but has taken me almost two years to accrue. Let that be a disclaimer to anyone who takes my opinions on the game's development as reality; I could be wrong. Nonetheless, I do think I have a pretty good understanding of the game's workings. Probably up there with some of the pro players seen in the exhibition matches (maybe more considering the fact that they keep getting roto-rooted by abilities they weren't expecting).  But I'm not going to baby an audience that I know already loves the game and wants to know more about the improvements and changes that have been made to a game they've been waiting for since the fourth grade. If you want a trimmed-down and n00bed up version please read my review at which should be up in a couple days. In any case we've had the most success with a report card style review of the previous builds so we'll continue the tradition!  Let's get something straight. I'm extremely impressed with the way the three races have diverged into even more distinct styles of play. The Zerg have traveled even further down the "mass or die" road while the Protoss are even more entrenched in a technological advantage. Of the course the Terrans as a hybrid of this strategy have gotten some improvements as well that I think has brought them out of that "glass cannon" bubble in which they were regarded in the original StarCraft.    Let's move on to the changes and critiques...Click below to read the full review! Discuss this article in the Forum!

Source: StarCraft 2 Forums News

General Discussion / StarCraft II Content Drop
November 20, 2009, 01:02:41 AM
StarCraft II Content Drop
20 November 2009, 11:18 am

We've just uploaded new intel to the . This latest transmission sheds new light on the goings-on in the Koprulu sector and highlights key persons of interest associated with recent anti-Dominion activity. In particular, this content drop includes:

Source: StarCraft II Newsfeed

General Discussion / StarCraft Comic Contest Returns
November 20, 2009, 01:02:41 AM
StarCraft Comic Contest Returns
20 November 2009, 10:29 am

We're pleased to announce the return of the monthly StarCraft "Vespene Laughs" Comic Contest on October 29! [more] From glimpses at  to run-downs of , we received a ton of funny and creative entries in our previous contest; now we're inviting you to make the galaxy laugh once more. To participate in each month's contest, simply submit your entries  by the 28th of the following month. The first-place winner each month will win keys to the upcoming StarCraft II beta. Check out the  for more information.

Source: StarCraft II Newsfeed