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Messages - rackdude

Stats for probes:

12Probes: 457-533
16Probes: 629-686
20Probes: 725-781
22Probes: 743-819
+24Probes: 762-838+
26Probes: 762-838
30Probes: 781-857
34Probes: 781-857

[/size][/color]You can 150 more per minute with the extra probes. Besides, by 18 probes you should have an expansion up.
[/size][/color]The AI pushes should come when (as Protoss) you have around 140 supply. They should fall simply. After that you should be at 200/200 for until you clear them out. If you are ever below 150 after their first push, be looking at your macro. I've found I could get 2 expansions by the first push and then when I push out to kill the first comp I take a 4th base (on Lost Temple the close island). After that I sweep to the other comp and take the last comps Nat. By then it's just too many minerals to use, massive non-stop 200/200 with units just warping the moment they die right into the battle field (if they die). The AI doesn't even stand a chance at that point.
[/size][/color]So my suggestion: the AI should be at 200/200 mid/late game. I don't care if it has to cheat to do so, but now that I'm at least noobie instead of ultra-noobie at macro, I notice how much quicker I can get to 200/200 than the cheating AI.
Quote from: koolitseric on March 03, 2010, 12:39:58 AM
Quote from: rackdude on March 02, 2010, 05:05:23 PM
Quote from: Happy-I-am on March 02, 2010, 04:49:39 PM
Quote from: Kiamberm on March 02, 2010, 04:45:47 PM
Can anyone give me some tips? I'm using v3 AI because that's the easiest I could find, but I still get owned. I just can't seem to get units out as fast as the AI can. :/ you guys complain that the AI is to easy, and yet I can't even win 1 match against version 3

Can someone please give me some advice/tips?

have 10 workers getting minerals, have one working build 2 pop increasing buildings(overseer for zerg) then build a unit building building, train units and expand resources etc.

10 workers? Sigh... Ok, go on and watch the Day[9] daily. It's Tasteless's bro and he knows what he's talking about. Also watch some Artosis and David Kim vods, you'll know what to do.

The optimal worker count has been measured to be 24, but you should get more than that for maynarding purposes. Which means just as before, constant probes (but now with chrono).

Please make these AI MUCH harder. I'm only a D/D+ on ICCUP and I can take down these 1v3 no problem. I wonder what someone who isn't a noob could do to these AI...

If you still cannot win after reading up all of Liquipedia about general starcraft play and learning everything from Day[9] (and also playing ICCUP until your APM is at least 100 so you can actually build stuff...), then just 15nex. It should work on the computers quite easily. If you're too scared of that, try a 10/15 gate into 18 FE. I found that gives a safe expand with 3 zealots.

Stop being a dick about it, you sucked in the beginning too obviously.  And AI commands are limited in beta, they are still working on it and its early phase so no reason to say I WANT HARDER I WANT HARDER, it just sounds gay.

I know I sucked and I know I still suck. However, I don't see how I'm being a dick about it. I'm saying oh, this is easy, and if it isn't, here are some places where you can learn how to play much better. Be thankful I gave you the resources that were given to me (when my team leader showed me liquipedia I basically memorized all those BOs in a week!).

I mentioned that, I'm a 120 APM D/D+ noob on ICCUP. However, these AIs still don't do anything and the most fun you can make of it is just camp the middle in a 3v1 to simulate a 3v1 instead of an FFA. I know the AI commands are primitive right now, but they can at least make some triggers to make it spawn extra units or something. I don't care if it cheats, I just want some macro practice.

Another thing that can help out is have them spawn some DTs over the map. It will help put detection into your builds (or you can just complain about it like Artosis :P).

Still, the AI needs more gateways. I believe what the Nony and the likes have been up to is 3 gates into warps into expo and then 7+ depending on your macro. AI is far behind there. It also needs to expand MUCH quicker. It needs to do something more strategic like set down the expo when the wave leaves the base, or if it's a third make it in the path.

Also, I noticed how the counter system works, and just based off of units won't do much. In the future (far future, this would be tough to implement because you'd have to redo a lot of the counter structure), it should be based off of builds. Seeing zealot when it's 10/15 is much different than 10/12 (or proxy 10/10 or however people proxy in this).

Overall, it's still entertaining... especially to watch them move out of the way of your nukes :P. Man, 5 ghost nuking is just too fun.

I found one of their problems. I when I destoryed their bases they had like 5 gateways and 1 robo and a stargate. T was like 3 rax and 2 fac. They need WAYYY more gateways! I was on 12 gateways. No wonder they can't macro... and they need to expand.
What about a standard push breaking map? Like a 2 immortal 5 stalker timing push and you get something tough like 3 zeals, 3 stalkers, and a few gateways and try to stall/hold (they get periodic reinforcements)? Kind of like the push breaking maps that are floating on TL but for SC2?
And I'd like to say, don't be afraid to make it cheat. I know we cannot practice relative timings here (Day would be mad at the idea!) but the AI probably wouldn't get it perfect anyways so it doesn't matter. We just need macro/micro practice (and BO testing, more for strength than actual counters and timing pushes).
Quote from: creamsoda on March 02, 2010, 07:07:07 PM
imo, Turdburgler has made a VERY good AI.

experienced SC players will obviously find them to be easy.. but people who are new to SC will find them tough to beat.

Right now, all we need is a 1v3 or 1v5 AI mode. That would be Paradise for me.

There are maps for 1v3 here. Lost Temple is a good one because you probably already know it. However, 1v3 is still too easy! One of the problems is that if the computers meet eachother in the battlefield they will attack eachother... anyways, as Protoss if you have good macro you can still 15nex and then just control the middle and with good storms you can just laugh as all three of their waves easily die, and just starve them by repeatedly destroying the nats.

1v5 please and make them ally eachother.

What I really love is that they do employ drops on maps such as Lost Temple. When I had a roach drop on the island expansion I was impressed by the AI.
Quote from: Happy-I-am on March 02, 2010, 04:49:39 PM
Quote from: Kiamberm on March 02, 2010, 04:45:47 PM
Can anyone give me some tips? I'm using v3 AI because that's the easiest I could find, but I still get owned. I just can't seem to get units out as fast as the AI can. :/ you guys complain that the AI is to easy, and yet I can't even win 1 match against version 3

Can someone please give me some advice/tips?

have 10 workers getting minerals, have one working build 2 pop increasing buildings(overseer for zerg) then build a unit building building, train units and expand resources etc.

10 workers? Sigh... Ok, go on and watch the Day[9] daily. It's Tasteless's bro and he knows what he's talking about. Also watch some Artosis and David Kim vods, you'll know what to do.

The optimal worker count has been measured to be 24, but you should get more than that for maynarding purposes. Which means just as before, constant probes (but now with chrono).

Please make these AI MUCH harder. I'm only a D/D+ on ICCUP and I can take down these 1v3 no problem. I wonder what someone who isn't a noob could do to these AI...

If you still cannot win after reading up all of Liquipedia about general starcraft play and learning everything from Day[9] (and also playing ICCUP until your APM is at least 100 so you can actually build stuff...), then just 15nex. It should work on the computers quite easily. If you're too scared of that, try a 10/15 gate into 18 FE. I found that gives a safe expand with 3 zealots.

Hey, I would just like to start by saying thank you for the scripts. Now, is there any additional documentation for them anywhere? I was looking through them trying to understand everything but I couldn't find a few things (for example, where's the GG string? I want to change it to BM my friend  :P ).

Also, I saw Dark Pylons were still inside of the tactical AI and the build AI of the Protoss. I don't know if those methods are ever initiated, but maybe a trigger to those may cause some delays in the AI.

Good so far!