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Messages - jaz


Honestly what an amazing AI the Strategy version is. This AI knows exactly when to expand, how to harass, how to counter, etc. I wouldn't consider myself a noob at RTS so I'm able to beat the hard (semicheating) ai easily every time. But when I play the cheating AI with 1.6x mineral, ive been able to beat protoss and zerg but never terran. can anyone post a replay of themselves beating the 1.6xmineral cheating terran as a zerg player? I do well and am able to fend off the first marine rush and then after i fend off the second rush with maurauders, marines, and hellions, i rush his expo with the remaining  roaches/zerglings/banelings and just get slaughtered by MMM/hellion combination that the ai can just pump out right away with his mineral advantage. I get expo much faster than the ai and try to harass workers with zergling but if the game goes meta its pretty much over.