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Messages - Artanis186

Not enough Pylons / Re: SC2 Map Editor
July 09, 2010, 10:20:09 AM
Just a notice, if it wasn't already abundantly clear, you now need to verify your account to use the map editor.
Good news is, I have friends on SCL. :D He's gonna lend me his key ^.^ I get to see how much of a noob I really am. :3
Fun Forum / Re: This must be posted...
April 18, 2010, 07:20:36 AM
Hey, that's some old stuff there. Here's a new one someone made, I like it better. :)
General Discussion / Re: Korea has done it!
April 17, 2010, 03:43:54 PM
That's cool, just add some reverse thrusters and there ya go. :)
Holy crap, who gives a shit? Stop trying to make people jealous and making yourself feel superior people, I don't give a damn if you got a key. IF I ever get one, I'm not gonna go gloating it to a shitload of random strangers on a forum. The only place I'm gonna post it is on SCLegacy where I can have my friends there add me... but the chances I'll get one are as slim as ever, and getting slimmer.
You guys are idiots. He's not going to give you a key, he's just doing this to gloat and make use jealous. Besides, why would he give people with post counts of 3-4 a beta key where there are many others clearly more deserving that actually contribute a little to this site.
General / Re: pass the time while you wait
April 14, 2010, 08:42:07 AM
I currently have a NES, SNES, GBA, NDS, N64, GC, and Wii emulator. SSBB on the comp = win. :3
Quote from: Ceron on April 14, 2010, 05:56:23 AM
sellings accounts is not alouded by blizzard and ebay.

Tell that to all the people who swindled $300 from idiots that can't wait a few months for the FULL thing for 1/5 the price.

People who buy the keys are morons, the sellers deserve every penny.
AI Scripts / Re: Humanik V1.0.0
April 12, 2010, 11:21:05 PM
FYI, you can click and hold a units portrait to lock the camera on it. Now back to watching the video. :)

EDIT: Most of my reply is on the second part of the video itself.

All I have to add beyond that is, one thing I noticed, the Sentries seemed to waste Gaurdian Shield a bit.

Next round, I request playing against someone else besides Zerg.
SC2 Tools / Re: StarCraft II Launcher
April 11, 2010, 10:14:19 PM
Quote from: Smjert on April 11, 2010, 07:07:24 PMin game it goes ok but it creates 2 marines instead of one O.o).

This usually happens when you play on an AI map. Play on the original maps. The AI maps import races into the map, then the launcher does the same thing, making everything 2x.
Galaxy Maps / Re: Contra v1.1 Final
April 11, 2010, 10:09:39 PM

latest patch blah blah blah, original files blah blah blah, reinstall blah blah blah...
AI Scripts / Re: Humanik V1.0.0
April 11, 2010, 10:04:35 PM
Humanik suicided half of his forces without dealing any damage though... and the immortals weren't focusing on the Roaches. Humanik won purely because he had the advantage (He was programmed specifically for non-cheating, unlike Strategy).
Quote from: CraniX on April 10, 2010, 02:16:30 PM
Quote from: Artanis186 on April 09, 2010, 09:25:18 PM
Go ahead, smite me, but Cranix.... you're an idiot. You keep saying hacks are inevitable even if you didn't make them, well that's just idiotic. I AM pissed that hacks are inevitable to come, but the personal grudge is that you support, use, create, and DISTRIBUTE them. I have every reason to dislike you and your posts. It's morons like you that are the reason that hacks are here in the first place.

Guess who banks hire to make better more secure safes? That's Right SAFE CRACKERS!

Know what I am saying? Artanis186

I suppose you have a point... looking at the original StarCraft, this point has not been very helpful at all, but maybe Blizzard will care this time... maybe.
Go ahead, smite me, but Cranix.... you're an idiot. You keep saying hacks are inevitable even if you didn't make them, well that's just idiotic. I AM pissed that hacks are inevitable to come, but the personal grudge is that you support, use, create, and DISTRIBUTE them. I have every reason to dislike you and your posts. It's morons like you that are the reason that hacks are here in the first place.
SC2 Tools / Re: starcraft 2 lancher ai is to hard
April 08, 2010, 11:07:47 PM
Quote from: Chriamon on April 08, 2010, 08:56:12 AMmaybe you should just use the default blizzard AI...

Hey now, no need to insult the guy.

But seriously, get a good launcher that supports 7.0's difficulty changing, I use the allin1, but there are many options around.

For some reason, the 6.1.1 ai always got 2x resources, regardless of cheating or not, but that mighta  been a fault on my part.