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Messages - Switcha

Race selection will be implemented :)
But be patient, it will take a few more days until everything is in place.
Not enough Pylons / Re: What is This!! It's True??
February 26, 2010, 12:22:07 PM
Why have they ripped it, i worked my ass off to get the UI up.
Starcraft II Beta / Re: Images of Progress
February 25, 2010, 07:49:44 AM
I'm gonna quote Blizzard and say it's finished when it's finished :)
No one knows.
Starcraft II Beta / Re: Emulate
February 24, 2010, 02:33:18 PM
I'm not bashing the devs, im working with them, just saying
there should be better communication between them (over different groups).
Starcraft II Beta / Re: Emulate
February 24, 2010, 02:20:29 PM
Shame the devs can't work together for a common goal,
which should be cracking/playing Starcraft2.
Would you guys wan't an interactive experience in fullscreen mode?
i'm thinking of re-doing alot more menus and make a cooler interface,
with SC2 music integrated with a OGG player running in background (via fmod?),
button sounds etc... kinda like the ultimate launcher of all times fitted for the SC2 trilogy!

Full MPQ imports/exports
MediaBay : Screenshot modes taken during gameplay.
MapBay : Manage your maps
ReplayBay : Manage your replays.


or is this taking it to far ?  :D
Not enough Pylons / Re: Need WINMPQ!
February 22, 2010, 08:09:22 AM
oooh! downloading.
Ofcourse, that's all part of my plan. And an MPQ import/export function.
Would be nice to give the users an option to extract the soundtracks etc ...
with a simple press of a button.

Plan is to make this the perfect launchpad for Starcraft 2.
here is a test app :

this test app doesn't actually do anything, it doesn't crack SC2 (yet),
just for testing purposes.
Trash Can / Re: *Sigh* I think we've done it...
February 21, 2010, 09:48:48 PM
lolz, you sound very convinced.
Trash Can / Re: Our Dev Team!
February 21, 2010, 05:27:07 PM
I will provide a download link when i get my
copy routines in place, ill keep my thread update at :
Yes i know my buttons are redone in photoshop. It's an alpha test
and i'm not really done with them yet. But hey it beats a normal button, right?

Right now i just need to finish my copy routine from embedded resources
and i have a working test app which i can upload to you guys.

Installer is also more or less done.

I'll keep this thread updated along the way.

SC2 Switcher Dev.