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Messages - KoKa1AShOT

Quote from: Vernam7 on May 02, 2010, 07:27:00 PM
best launcher to use is ALLin1 it supports any triggerlibs AI!
and is crk free! doesnt use any external loaders or cracks so is Legit 100%!!!!!
and support all functionalities of latest patch! teams/speed/sharings etc :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Seriously, there is NOTHING better then that. I Can't believe i was trying to play with the other launchers when this one is SO WAY BETTER then the others.

1- Everything is working (With new Package Maps) - Mixed from Old Maps & New Maps
2- Team 2v2/3v3/4v4 are working very good
3- Triggers/Database AI are working
4- Some SC2 World Editor maps are working (Lmfao to those who can't :P)

I recommand that one, seriously, if your having any problems with the other Launchers, get that one!!

Can anyone help?

I have a problem.. Patch 10 is installed in the main directory of SC2  beta folder (untouched).

-Now i'm using that SC2 Launcher 2.3.1 just like we've been told.
-Strategie0.42 have been extracted into the Mods folder.
-Plugin folder have been deleted.

When starting a game with the old package maps (before Patch8). The main game is in dark screen and i can't even play and see anything on the maps. How to get it worked?

Do i have to download new AI Maps? If yes, where?
Do i have to do anything else?? i have only the main Triggerlibs of Strategie0.42, Is there any missing files or idk?

PLease help, thanks
Hi there, i have a question.

Is it possible to convert the Triggers into a BaseSC2Data ? juste like the old ones.. Was easier to play, Just puttin the BaseSC2Data into the CPU Folder and selecting the cpu lvls.

If Yes, how?
General Discussion / Re: WTF?
April 28, 2010, 01:49:22 PM
Quote from: Kazuma on April 28, 2010, 11:28:09 AM
this makes the 4th and 5th time i got invited to the starcraft 2 beta
1ist op-in from blizzard
2nd/3rd gamestop invites
4th/5th invite a friend

Wow so lucky, How much for One :P?
Joking, but seriously, if you need a new friend for 3s or 4th. I'l be verry happy to play with some peoples and finally play on the BATTLE.NET :(
Omfg thanks alot !!! since my SC2 Downloader doesn't work perfectly, now it's safe and easy =D WOOT
Site News / Re: New Contest Suggestions
April 23, 2010, 10:35:19 AM
I could make something funny about an Animate Banner :D (Macromedia) !!

I really need a BETA Key damn..... =(