Something Weird

Started by CraniX, March 14, 2010, 07:31:18 PM

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I was playing today as toss vs zerg. I managed to get a mother ship in the zergs base, I was just about to teleport a massive army 20+ units. Just as i clicked teleport my mothership was destroyed, 4 units made the teleport ok, the rest were scattered all over the map in random places.

Weird Huh

Starcraft 2 Hacking Development


really? that is pretty wierd... i wonder if they did that on purpose


mothership got nerf'ed big time...
but that's cool, did any of it appears almost off the map or floating in the air or stuck in stones?
Platinum League, where you gets pwned


I wonder if something similar were to happen if a pylon/warp prism got destroyed while warping in some units from the gateway.

It's a different sort of warp... so who knows.

I think about the floating in the air/in stones seems like a bit much. You'd have to alter the map graphics and stuff wouldn't you?
Sure would be cool though.

Feature or glitch?


Tell Blizzard, and they decide to nerf it even more by
"If Mothership is destroyed while recalling, all units trying to recall are lost in the void"

Come one, why not just erase the protoss race while your at it! :ticked: