Ghost AI 1.1f and Strategy AI 0.41 updated

Started by jason_born, March 21, 2010, 08:31:54 PM

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i have problems with unziping the strategy ai 0.22. it says that the archive is corrupt/damaged. could anyone upload this file somewhere? i believe that its because of is this web site. cant wait for resource bonus nerf of hard version strategy ai 0.22. thx  a lot


Can anyone clarify how to use those AIs?
As far as I can see there are 3 different TriggerLibs: Strategy 0.22, Ghost 1.1 and Aiur 0.28 so in order to get them working I suppose   Strategy 0.22 should be used with its GameData's variant (unfortunately only DLed from the Chinese site with like 1KB/s).
Then which TriggerLibs to use Ghost 1.1 or Aiur 0.28 and where to put   the folder? It says that Aiur is a patch for Ghost's protoss so should Aiur's Protoss.galaxy be replaced in Ghost's TriggerLibs folder and overwrite?
What is the difference between all those? Why are they in one thread but   not in different ones, do they have anything in common? Why in the latest Strategy AI 0.22 it says in the changelog: "Added Ghost AI's Gamedata"? Does this mean that the Ghost is included in it?


Strategy AI 0.22 Review

Macromanagement (9/10)
Resources only average on the thousands. Could be better if it was at the 500's.

Micromanagement (9/10)
Almost perfect. Picks off weak units, know when to retreat and micros dying units away from battle. If only it is to be taught some micro tricks.

Harrassment (7/10)
Very decent. Once again, teaching it a variety of harassing techniques would be beneficial (burrowed Infestors, Vikings at minerals, Colossus-Prism)

Map Control (10/10)
LOL it has full vis of map...


Quote from: DreamInvader on March 28, 2010, 01:49:09 PM
Can anyone clarify how to use those AIs?
Then which TriggerLibs to use Ghost 1.1 or Aiur 0.28 and where to put   the folder? It says that Aiur is a patch for Ghost's protoss so should Aiur's Protoss.galaxy be replaced in Ghost's TriggerLibs folder and overwrite?

well, i was using SC2Launcher2.3.1 where u can easily pick one ai u want to play with but since strategy ai 0.22 is in a Base.SC2Data version i m back in starcrack launcher rev 40. to play strategy ai 0.22 u have to replace base.sc2data in liberty.sc2mod folder (starcraft II beta\mods\liberty.sc2mod\base.sc2data). have the original one in backup
yes, aiur ai is a patch for ghost ai so just replace ghost's protoss.galaxy with latest aiur's

ok i found alternative dl for strategy ai 0.22: (click on one of those two blue links in that light orange box)


Still looking for a beta key. If someone could invite me...


Wow, gotta say. This AI is actually a formidable opponent. Completely wiped the floor with me and I'm used to completely rocking the 7.0 Ai.


Uploaded newer mod versions here, I'll keep updating that post whenever new versions come out since these AIs are so awesome  8)


Strategy 0.21 included a non cheating version which was not so easy. Is the easy version on 0.22 the "no map vision" one or is it a semicheat crippled?


Strategy and Ghost AI is realy good. Usuale im playing against Ghost Ai. And i disappointed what terran always builds only Marine+Marauders+Medivacs and some reapers and ghost. Where is hellions, vikings, banshes, siege tanks?? And i realy want to see the Raven !)))
Im from Russia. Sorry for my broken english.


Quote from: DreamInvader on March 28, 2010, 01:49:09 PM

Strategy 0.22 should be used with its GameData's variant (unfortunately only DLed from the Chinese site with like 1KB/s).

i live in china for now.. :P i got like 200kb/sec  :jig:
Carrier Has Arrived...


Which launcher do you use for these 2 AIs ?
Valkyrie won't accept Ghost AI because there's no Base.SC2data


I am having an issue with Ghost 1.1 AI, I open it and I see an empty map, no bases anywhere.


Protoss are vulnerable to air units on Strategy AI 0.22
My replay:
I beat protoss whit only Warp rays, (and im so bad at this game...)


Terran in Strategy AI is easy when playing with protoss. I beat it everytime with stalker spamming. Nevertheless I think this is one of the best AIs. It knows how to pressure and from time to time he really gets on my nerves. :) I have played Starcrack before Strategy AI and it was pretty good. But now after learning how to win vs Strategy AI, Starcrack seams like childplay to me.  :D


Honestly what an amazing AI the Strategy version is. This AI knows exactly when to expand, how to harass, how to counter, etc. I wouldn't consider myself a noob at RTS so I'm able to beat the hard (semicheating) ai easily every time. But when I play the cheating AI with 1.6x mineral, ive been able to beat protoss and zerg but never terran. can anyone post a replay of themselves beating the 1.6xmineral cheating terran as a zerg player? I do well and am able to fend off the first marine rush and then after i fend off the second rush with maurauders, marines, and hellions, i rush his expo with the remaining  roaches/zerglings/banelings and just get slaughtered by MMM/hellion combination that the ai can just pump out right away with his mineral advantage. I get expo much faster than the ai and try to harass workers with zergling but if the game goes meta its pretty much over.