Started by Mangala, February 27, 2010, 11:33:44 AM

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What can you use to mind control scvs with? No dark archons, and infestors only work for 10 seconds...

Personally I'm taking all the observers out so it's more fun.



fun map, not so hard though when you have a lot of void rays and a couple of carriers :P


I gotta say I loved it for the 4-5 hours when it was the only AI map so thanks for filling that time. Now its not as fun (at least in my opinion) as the AI regular maps.


I would also love to see some SCV's for the mind control purposes as mentioned above. I love this game. I wonder what is going on in Blizzards head, if they're pissed off that this has been leaked :)
Even though I don't really pay for games, this game I will and Blizzard deserves to have all the money they want for this game. I've been waiting since '99 to see the Star_Craft _2!
I love the game, and the fact we have a chance to take a peep at it early.


I kinda want to try the actual blizzard ai to see how it compares to the one we've been making.


blizzards ai will probably be much much better. theyve probably implemented their own builds into the ai's core, as well as just some general AI-rape.
SC1 used to be hard vs AI for a time, Id sometimes lose to their tier 1 rushes.
afterawhile, I could turtle > tank > bc 4-7 comps depending on the map
On hunters we could win 2v6's ez mode, 1v7 was impossible

knowing that, im hoping blizz stepped up their game a bit