Galaxy Map Editor- Who's Excited!!

Started by Myst, March 01, 2010, 07:27:20 PM

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Im not interested in making maps....
But I would like to play other maps  ;)
Want Beta key! :D


After watching that video, I almost came.  8)


Wow. Looks like I'm going to have to find more "spare" time!


I so exited. Hopefully porting (/remaking) will be easy as I really want to make a wintermaul map.



Quote from: Hades on March 01, 2010, 09:40:35 PM
I sure hope we can still use the classic trigger system... i never even tried warcraft 3, nor have i ever played with their editor :(

Same i hope thel have the Trigger/Scenario system. loved it.


I don't know if any of you guys ever played BattleTanx for the Nintendo 64 back in the day...but I was working on a version for WC3. I was able to get a 3rd person view controlled movement with the arrow keys...but I just couldn't get the damn tanks to fire right. Looks like it may totally be possible now!

This is exciting!


I am going to love a few things:

  • Handled particles
  • A game engine that can handle hundreds of units doing actions at the same time (in WC3, after having like 50 units moving, some units would begin to stop and go... ruined lyfe)
  • Custom UI (similar to WoW's add-on system)
  • Mouse and keyboard hooks (zomg, can finally detect when a key is pressed or where the cursor is!!!)
Those are just the major things I am looking forward in seeing.. Finally huge army-based strategy games will be possible on such a game (in like Risk on WC3 you can mass 400 units to attack at the same time... only 10% of the units move at a time, it's pretty sad...).


Quote from: Chakra on March 05, 2010, 01:06:15 PM
I am going to love a few things:

  • Handled particles
  • A game engine that can handle hundreds of units doing actions at the same time (in WC3, after having like 50 units moving, some units would begin to stop and go... ruined lyfe)
  • Custom UI (similar to WoW's add-on system)
  • Mouse and keyboard hooks (zomg, can finally detect when a key is pressed or where the cursor is!!!)
Those are just the major things I am looking forward in seeing.. Finally huge army-based strategy games will be possible on such a game (in like Risk on WC3 you can mass 400 units to attack at the same time... only 10% of the units move at a time, it's pretty sad...).

Yes this was a huge downer to the types of maps we saw in WC3. Personally, I love the ammount of detail we will be able to put into our own maps now, its almost like blizzard is handing out the SDK for their games with this new editor. I remember reading that if certain developers are good enough and have popular enough maps that blizz will actually set up a way to ask people to pay or donate to the map creator! This is amazing, not saying that everyone should have to pay to play but there comes a time when I get tired of coding for free and need some dough in my pockets.


im willing to bet no single dev will get paid for their work, and I dont think they should in the slightest.

A team however who dedicates more hours to the project than they do their day jobs, thats a different story. Just cause you're good doesn't mean you deserve money, just my two cents so people realize rushing into making maps then trying to sell them probably wont work and you'll just get pissy when nobody buys your crap maps
better wear your shades, the spotlights here can burn holes through the stage



I would hope people have that fact more than clear in their minds by now, considering its stated that even WC3 favorites such as DotA would not qualify as a Premium Map; worthy of being sold in their shop.

With the extent of their editor, I would hope to see content releases similar to this work done in TES4: Oblivion; or better.


Quote from: Chakra on March 05, 2010, 01:06:15 PM

  • A game engine that can handle hundreds of units doing actions at the same time (in WC3, after having like 50 units moving, some units would begin to stop and go... ruined lyfe)
Ah, the good old days of line tower wars  ;D


Here's some of the error strings for the editor. Reveals a lot.

Quote// Galaxy
e_badLValue=Cannot assign to the left side of assignment expression
e_badParameterType=Can only pass basic types
e_cantFindInclude=Include file not found
e_cantTakeAddress=Cannot use '&' on an object which has no address
e_constAssigned=Const variable already assigned
e_constInitRequired=Must initialize const variables
e_constNotAllowedHere=Cannot use const here
e_derefNotPointer=Cannot use '->' on a non-pointer object
e_expectedArrayIndex=Expected an array index: '['
e_expectedBoolExpr=Expected a boolean expression
e_expectedCloseBrace=Expected a closing brace: '}'
e_expectedComma=Expected a comma: ','
e_expectedConstExpr=Non-constant initialization of constant object
e_expectedExpr=Expected an expression
e_expectedFieldName=Expected a field name inside a structure
e_expectedFieldType=Expected a field type inside a structure
e_expectedFuncBody=Expected ';' or function body
e_expectedGlobalName=Expected unused global variable or function name
e_expectedInclude=Expected an include file name
e_expectedIntType=Shift operator requires integer value
e_expectedLeftParen=Expected '('
e_expectedNativeName=Expected a registered native function name
e_expectedOpenBrace=Expected an opening brace: '{'
e_expectedParams=Invalid parameter list
e_expectedReturn=Expected a return value
e_expectedRightParen=Expected ')'
e_expectedSemicolon=Expected a semicolon: ';'
e_expectedStructIdent=Structure requires an identifier
e_expectedType=Expected type name
e_expectedTypedefIdent=Typedef requires an unused identifier
e_expectedTypedefType=Typedef requires a type
e_globalsTooLarge=Global data are too large
e_identiferTruncated=Truncated identifier
e_illegalArraySize=Illegal array dimension
e_illegalCharacter=Illegal char constant
e_illegalEscapeSeq=Illegal escape sequence
e_illegalIndex=Array index require an integer value
e_illegalOctal=illegal octal digit
e_internalGalaxyError=Internal compiler error
e_localsTooLarge=32k - 1 size limit to local variables
e_mangleOverflow=Mangled name overflow
e_nativeMismatch=Native function prototype does not match the internal function
e_nestingTooDeep=Nesting overflow
e_newlineConst=Newline in constant
e_noBulkCopy=Bulk copy not supported
e_noForwardSupport=struct forward declaration not supported
e_noImplicitCast=Implicit cast not allowed
e_noNestedStruct=struct cannot be nested inside itself
e_notArray=Cannot use '[': object is not an array
e_notFunction=Cannot use '(': object is not a function
e_notStruct=Cannot use '.': object is not a structure
e_notStructField=This field is not a member of the struct type
e_noVoidVars=Illegal variable type: void
e_numericOverflow=Numeric overflow
e_oldStyleDimension=Galaxy array definitions require the dimension after the type
e_paramCountMismatch=Wrong number of parameters
e_paramTypeMismatch=Parameter type does not match the function definition
e_prototypeMismatch=Function does not match previous definition
e_callbackMismatch=Mismatched callback definitions
e_redefinedField=struct field redefinition
e_redefinedFuncName=function already defined
e_redefinedParam=redefined identifier
e_registerUsageOverflow=Register overflow
e_requireStruct=Require struct on left side of -> or .
e_scriptTooLarge=Script too large
e_stateStackOverflow=Stack overflow
e_stringTruncated=Truncated string
e_syntaxError=Syntax error
e_typecastError=That typecast not allowed
e_typeMismatch=Types do not match
e_undefFunction=Function declared but not defined
e_unexpectedBreak=Unexpected 'break' statement
e_unexpectedComment=comment blocks with /* */ are not supported
e_unexpectedContinue=Unexpected 'continue' statement
e_unexpectedDirective=unexpected directive, Galaxy does not have a preprocessor
e_unexpectedGoto='goto' statements are unsupported
e_unexpectedNew=dynamic memory allocation unsupported
e_unexpectedOperator=Operators ++ and -- are unsupported
e_unexpectedReturn=Unexpected value returned from a 'void' function
e_unexpectedSign=unexpected 'signed' or 'unsigned' as Galaxy types have implicit sign
e_unexpectedSwitch='switch' statements are unsupported
e_unreachableCode=unreachable code
e_jumpOutOfBounds=Code jump out of bounds (try reducing the size of very large functions or triggers)
e_noFunctionBody=No function body was ever declared

e_execPaused=Execution paused
e_threadIsActive=Execution currently active
e_threadIsReady=Thread is ready to execute
e_execTimeout=Execution took too long
e_codePtrInData=Code pointer tried to jump to data space
e_dataPtrInCode=Data pointer tried to access code space
e_divByZero=Divide by zero
e_invalidAddr=Invalid address
e_invalidGlobalPtr=Invalid global pointer
e_invalidStackPtr=Invalid stack pointer
e_nativeCodeError=Native function has encountered an error
e_notInCode=Code pointer moved out of code space
e_nullPointer=Dereferenced a null pointer
e_stackOverflow=Stack overflow
e_stackUnderflow=Stack underflow
e_unknownInstr=Unknown instruction

e_functionNotFound=Function not found
e_tooManyThreads=Too many threads
e_nestedIteration=Nested iteration detected
e_noInternalThread=No internal thread
e_tooManyInternalThreads=Too many internal threads



I hope that their Editor is going to be better than the galaxy language, because it is really bad. Just a sample of what's wrong whit it:

  • No dynamic allocation: There is no ##new## or ##malloc##. We wonder what would be the use of pointers without this.
  • No For: Only the ##while## loop is available, the ##for## loop isn't.
  • Weak compiler debugging output: The only error it is able to say is "Syntax Error" and the line where the error happened is not available.
  • Missing string operations: There is no way to access individual characters of a string, nor the length ...
  • No /* ... */ Comments: Maybe it's too hard to code ...
  • Single pass declaration scanning. You have to write the prototype of functions if it is declared after in the file.
  • /=, *= not working properly for fixed
  • Language being based on C. C is an old static language. We expected a dynamic language like Lua.
  • Line cannot be > 2048 caracters. Wth ...
  • No trigonometric functions
  • No way to get point.x and point.y
(Source: )