my AI

Started by GrayCardinal, March 21, 2010, 01:05:40 AM

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Hello !
I want write my own AI for StarCraft 2.
Any documentation/texts about .galaxy files ?

Best regards,


There are a few links here that point to that.

My advice is watching what others have done, atm. That might give you a good starting point.


There's a lot to summarize...

MeleeAI.galaxy starts off and sends things over to the primary file for the race.  Zerg.galaxy or Protoss.galaxy or whatever.  From there you're sent into Zerg0.galaxy for the AI that comes with the game, or if you're using Starcrack it sends you into TriggerLibs/Zerg/ZergOpen.galaxy.

Starcrack and the Blizz AI set things up in stages, Open, Mid, Late.  Poke around, let us know if you have specific questions.


Ok since topic fits my questions  :thumbsup: :
Is this somehow like C++? Seems like from the looks  :)
search for functions in milkywAI?

Im kinda interested in starting to code too, but the beginning is the hardest, since I cant instantly check what the called functions do etc...  :S

Do you recommend looking into another AI (thats what im doing now) an is there a docu of the blizzard given functions anywhere?
Looking at strategy 0.4 i dont see where in the meleeAI functions are called ? O.o I only see definitions  :(

Greez! :-*