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Messages - LebK

@ battcor
No worries man, maybe you over looked this but this was posted up on: March 01, 2010, 06:10:19 PM.
This post really doesn't apply anymore the forum is kind of dieing and not really that updated. Trust me if you are going to use a launcher the only one that is still being updated and worked on is the allin1 so go with that. You can go thank Verman7 and his team over at
Go for Verman7's Allin1. It is the best and most updated launcher. You can play both kind of game types.
Starcraft II Beta / Re: We Lost The Fight
May 15, 2010, 12:19:13 PM
I wonder if they will release it to the public after all the scrutiny they recieved. Sure hope they will release it (if they finished) when the game is officially released. I love and prefer LAN when playing with friends. It is so much funner to yell obscenities across the room. Well anyways I guess time will only tell. Hats off to the code gen team if they made a working LAN crack.
Galaxy Maps / Homeworld v1.13 Final
April 19, 2010, 06:18:34 AM
Homeworld v1.13 Final:

After Contra, Yug has made a remake: Homeworld. This time you can chose between 3 heros and defeat the waves coming to your base. It is implementing all the latest discoveries.

  • Chose from 3 heros: A total of 12 custom abilities.   
  • Ground and air waves   
  • Boss after each wave   
  • 5 Upgrades and 2 items available   
  • Secret bosses

Download Here:

This is the english simplified version. According to the creator it is missing some text and info. But, it is a lot more useable for english speakers than trying to play on the chinese version.

Uninstall any AI you have put and use the original Blizzard AI.
Use Lazy launcher to launch the map.

To Play:
Select the probe, Use the ability (looks like a creep spawn thing for the zerg) and select a hero.
When you have your hero use the teleport ability and select on one of your buildings.
Don't forget to upgrade your hero and base defence. You can also get items from bosses to equip your hero with.

This is pretty hard.
Galaxy Maps / Extr3m TD
April 09, 2010, 06:53:54 AM
Extr3m Tow3r Def3nse: By Hectorpalador

Hectorpalador at nibbits made a remake of Mapster TD

- You can go up agianst 1 or 2 CPUs.
- You can build units with the Pylon.
- You can build towers with the Probe.
- 30 Waves.
- A Special mode available 'Temple Mode': when the Stalker enters the Temple Zone, 9 Levels

Extr3m TD

Download it here:
Galaxy Maps / Re: Contra v1.1 Final
April 09, 2010, 06:27:14 AM
@ StubbornRock, I don't know what really went wrong, but I got it work using StarCrack ALLin1 v6.7.0. If you want you can d/l this launcher here and see if it fixes the problem.
The currect version is 6.7.2; don't know if that will make it better or worse for you, but give it a try anyways. If you don't know the main page for the launcher is; .

You can try redownloading the map. Maybe something went wrong when you were downloading it.
Maybe you played around with some files and forgot what you did.  :bangshead:  Usually when something just fails or goes wrong for me i'll do a fresh reinstall of the beta. And just work up from there. I find it less time consuming to work up then try to work down to see where I or the software went wrong. Hope this will work for you and not just create more problems.

Just trying to share what I can to the community.  :cheers:

Galaxy Maps / Re: Contra v1.1 Final
April 07, 2010, 06:37:45 AM
I lost on my 1st try, on my 2nd try I won with 2 minutes to spare. :) It's the only scenerio custom map out there at the moment. I'm hoping people will take this map and expand on it or learn from it, which it seems to be. Now they got to figure out how to equip the hero with items. It seemsthe Chinese SC2 community are making the biggest strides in these areas. I guess with 1.3 billion people there are bound to be some experts in the mix. With the milkyway(beta) map editer being released pre galaxy editer i'm hoping they will put out some interesting stuff in the coming week(s).

SC2 Tools / Re: Best Launcher in your opinion.
April 06, 2010, 07:44:49 AM
Verman7's SC2ALLin1 Launcher Tool v6.7.0 is the best for me. Tried others but felt this one is the best. Has everything that I need and more. Been some buggy versions here and there but the latest version is great. Love how you can choose your location now with just a single mouse click on the minimap. :) Plus many other cool little features.

Thanks Verman7!!!
Galaxy Maps / Contra v1.1 Final
April 06, 2010, 05:18:50 AM
Found this over at  &

Thought this was cool.

Starcraft II - Contra v1.1 Final

Contra: by Yuggren
Yuggren, a chinese map maker, made the first scenario map: Contra. You control a hero with 3 different weapons and 5 abilities. Your goal is to defeat the various packs of zergs all around the map. It takes its roots from the tower defense and makes great use of all the hero stuff we just discovered. PixelWarrior and I recorded gameplay videos to give you a preview. The english version is not perfect since yuggren's native language is chinese, he is looking for help in that area.

Game Description:
Because of a vehicle failure, Contra landed on a space garbage station. The only living creatures are insects: human being massacred. The station has been transformed into a Zerg nest. In order to rescue and protect the surviving humans, you have to kill the Zerg leaders.

  • The objective of the game is to kill the different zerg bosses
  • You have to defeat the Queen within 45 minutes
  • Your hero have 3 weapons and up to 5 different skills
  • Killing monsters provides you minerals to upgrade your weapons
  • Level up to get better abilities
  • Enjoy!
Change Log:

  • More upgrades and improved learning system
  • Hero level cap to 20, Skill level cap to 6
  • Added skills: Illusions: Create clone
  • Monsters have a chance to drop minerals
  • Medical skill is now a healing over time
  • Revival system

  • Hero movement speed increase
  • Machine gun range increased by 1, Shotguns range increased by 1.5
  • Bosses hp reduced
  • Weapon upgrade costs adjusted to 300/450/675
  • New defensive upgrade, upgrade an increase of 3 per point defense, and 200 blood cap cost 200/300/450
  • Modified the outcome dialogue, addition of a hidden ending
  • Modified errors
Download Here:

Original Thread in case you understand Chinese: 

Thanks to Yuggren!
@ Servitor you need to have your maps here,
C:\Users\<yourname>\Documents\StarCraft II Beta\Maps

If you don't have the maps download the mappack from here

Delete any file with (2x or above) these are maps that were scripted with AI. It is pretty useless now with this launcher, but they have the original load screen which I think is cool.

Make sure in Player Controller you select AI. Then make sure in Team selection that you put the AI's on the desired teams.

The path that was stated is the default path that Starcraft 2 beta is installed into for Windows English versions. If your copy is not installed there then either you changed it or you have a different langauage version of windows. If so, it is still in the same spot but just in whatever language windows is in. If you are using an English version just uninstall and reinstall the game and do the stated instructions.

Hope that is helpfull.

"lan game"الرجاء نريد أن تؤدي 
Quote from: Jav on February 26, 2010, 07:53:34 PM
Quote from: mithhunter55 on February 26, 2010, 07:45:54 PM
Where/how do I download patch 1?
Run the SC2 beta client and it should auto-update for you.

Actually I was having a problem when I tried to update the normal way. Got some kind of tracking error... Anyways here is a download link for anyone who can't install the update the normal way.

To install the update this way just make sure you unzip the folder called Updates to your Starcraft 2 directory. Then run SC.exe and make sure you are connected to the internet. It will then apply the patch as if you have downloaded the files through their server.

Oh, and props to all the devs out there cracking away. Greatly appreciated. :)
Site News / Re: SC2 Beta Patch
February 26, 2010, 06:33:17 PM
Quote from: Zaggamx on February 26, 2010, 10:47:17 AM
where can u download this patch?

Actually I was having a problem when I tried to update the normal way. Got some kind of tracking error... Anyways here is a download link for anyone who can't install the update the normal way.

To install the update this way just make sure you unzip the folder called Updates to your Starcraft 2 directory. Then run SC.exe and make sure you are connected to the internet. It will then apply the patch as if you have downloaded the files through their server.