StarCrack ALLin1 (OFFICIAL) (site moved read last post for new links!)

Started by BoBoStariaN, March 01, 2010, 03:58:42 AM

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hi, what do you mean by meaningful AIs, is it better that the Ai5.0 or equal?


Quote from: BoBoStariaN on March 01, 2010, 03:58:42 AM
hi, what do you mean by meaningful AIs, is it better that the Ai5.0 or equal?

hi there
i mean that i have seen arround 10 versions of AI and people are placing them in there launcers, but the point is not to have MANY but few that actually work!
that confuses players!

currently v4 is for Medium and Hard
v5 or v6 will be aded in my next version i am waiting for something really good and stable.

v4 is working pretty nice in Medium and Hell kicks me in Hard  :D


Quote from: peterwolf on March 01, 2010, 04:40:06 AM
Hmm seems to be a nice thing...
Unfotunatly i dont like Trojans, like there were in all lazylaunchers and also in this one.
Isnt there a version without a troijan?
Would be very nice though!

hey friend there is NO TROJAN in there trust me!!! the lazytown loader only alerts some stupid over protecting antivirus!!!!
i created this tool just to make sure everything is CLEAN! :)

any code tha patches an .exe could be could as trojan and its called "Generic" !!!!
there is no problem!plz dont scare people! >:(

tnx for understanding ;D


Error: "Starcraft 2 (WOL) BETA, doesn't seem to be installed! At least not in c:\Program Files (x86)\Starcraft 2 Beta"

Yeah, I did not install it there... Any way to get around it ?


Quote from: medlzk on March 01, 2010, 05:07:28 AM
Error: "Starcraft 2 (WOL) BETA, doesn't seem to be installed! At least not in c:\Program Files (x86)\Starcraft 2 Beta"

Yeah, I did not install it there... Any way to get around it ?

::) sorry not right now, when do you get this error, cau i do this check early in the loading, and then i dont allow you to install maps.

i will make a new version that will detect sc2 path from registry, but after 6 hours at least
i am at work right now.

so if you cant wait plz install your game to the default location


what Windows do you have? Seems windows 7 x64


The AI's are still very weak :S (played vs hard). Could you add a cheating AI there aswell? thx! :P.



Im sorry for the thing with the trojan!!

Now i got another prob
My install dir was wrong from which i previously watched replays, so i just reinstalled the BETA...
but now it says that the "map crack" is not installed when i launch the AlInOnestuff program and select any map.
What does that mean?


1)in next version v3.0 there will be a more Cheating A.I i dont make those so please be nice  :P
also i will make it automatically connect and get ALLways the Latest version of AI files from my server, so you dont have to re download the entire setup file ;-)
and i will also make it automatically download maps from my server!
so you will have only a small program less than 5Mb and all its content evailable for download automatically from inside the Tool it SELF,

how does this sound? ::)

2)@peterwolf, if you installed sc2 beta to its default directory, then plz reinstall my Launcher from its setup! BUT keep your Antivirus OFF cause it deletes the crack that starts the game,
so thats why you get my messege tha the map crack is NOT installed, cause you delete it from your antivirus! if your antivirus also messed my ZIP or EXE setup plz redownload and with AV OFF reinstall this will fix your problem in NO time!
and add sc2 path to your AV exclusion list to avoid future problems  ;)


you cant! at least not right now in this version, the ext one will automatically detect it.
for now go to c:\program files\sta2 beta blabla\SC2AiMapsInstaller
in there you will find 3 sc2data files named (easy_/medium/hard) just for now copy one of those to the directory of yours in D:\and the rest of the error message is correct\and there delete the BASE.sc2data and place the one of your choise and give it the EXACT same name as the one you removed!
the rest works ok, i know, but this is bindined to your path.
so your AI will work if you do this right untill tonight that i will make a new version

check the First Post i have made an update on the road-plan ;)


LOLOLOL WUT :D, I just did what you said, launched the game and I started with 2 nexus'es and 12 probes ;D. Any ideas where the problem might be?


UI's awesome...nothing personal. I like valkiries a little better. :-\
Our Greatest Resource is Our Mind ~ Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Check this:



Quote from: ProoM on March 01, 2010, 11:50:26 AM
LOLOLOL WUT :D , I just did what you said, launched the game and I started with 2 nexus'es and 12 probes ;D . Any ideas where the problem might be?

what Ai did you choose?? :-\
propobly something wrong in the map script! hehe sorry i cant control those  :D
:) try an other map and medium AI.

also make sure that in the same path just before you hit the play button there is not .sc2dat file.

there is a possibility of your "wrong directory" installation the game find double scripts for the AI!!
i strongly recommend unistall stacraft 2 beta and reinstall in C:\


Thanks for the release.

Will test later.


I just realised I've put it in the D:\Starcraft 2\StarCraft II Beta\Mods\LibertyMulti.SC2Mod instead of D:\Starcraft 2\StarCraft II Beta\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod

Any idea's how to reset the LibertyMulti file to the previous one? :S. If you could upload it, I would appreciate it a lot!